Benny K Harman, Playing As Victim: "Di Bawah Naungan Kolong Jembatan, 1 Pebuari 2012
Lagi-lagi setelah mendapat laporan dari lalu, Benny K Harman memberikan pernyataan yang sungguh tidak lucu.
Yes….He’s playing as a victim. Dan melemparkan kesalahan kepada Media. Padahal dalam masalah yang terjadi dengan mereka dan partai nya adalah perbuatan mereka sendiri. Bukan agen CIA, Mossad, Hamas, atau Media Indonesia maupun luar negeri.
Dalam pernyataan umumnya, yang saya kutip dari, “”Kami sangat merasa dizalimi media,” kata Ketua DPP Bidang Advokasi dan Hukum PD Benny K Harman, di Kompleks Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Jakarta, Selasa (31/1/2012).”"
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At the Los Feliz farmers market: Asian vegetables, strawberries, mushrooms -
At the Los Feliz farmers market: Asian vegetables, strawberries, mushrooms - "The number of farmers markets in Los Angeles County has more than doubled over the last decade, from 53 to 129, and many of the venues are new, small and operated by neophytes. Such is the case with the Los Feliz farmers market, which was started five months ago by Helen Lee, a filmmaker who grew up in the area and got into the world of markets when she operated a crepe stand. She has started three markets since April; this one, sponsored by a nonprofit organization called Eco-Op, began near the well-known Dresden restaurant, but a month ago moved two blocks north to its current, more visible location in a post office parking lot. In this modest space Lee has managed to fit 25 stands, of which seven are certified produce vendors and 18 offer prepared foods and miscellaneous merchandise. The neighborhood invites strolling, but free local parking is scarce."
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Travel | Los Angeles' park neighborhoods -
Travel | Los Angeles' park neighborhoods - "It's no easy job, being the lungs of Los Angeles.
But Griffith Park, the foremost green space in a city notorious for meager parkland and abundant smog, endures bravely, maybe even heroically.
The more time you spend in these occasionally gritty, mostly gentrified neighborhoods around the park — Silver Lake, Los Feliz and Echo Park — the more you realize that they're incubators of American pop culture. Yes, Hollywood is glitzier and Beverly Hills is richer. But who's cooler? These 10 micro-itineraries, the third in a series that concentrate on Los Angeles and Orange counties, might help you decide."
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But Griffith Park, the foremost green space in a city notorious for meager parkland and abundant smog, endures bravely, maybe even heroically.
The more time you spend in these occasionally gritty, mostly gentrified neighborhoods around the park — Silver Lake, Los Feliz and Echo Park — the more you realize that they're incubators of American pop culture. Yes, Hollywood is glitzier and Beverly Hills is richer. But who's cooler? These 10 micro-itineraries, the third in a series that concentrate on Los Angeles and Orange counties, might help you decide."
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Exxon reports $9.4 billion profit - Jan. 31, 2012
Exxon reports $9.4 billion profit - Jan. 31, 2012: "NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Exxon reported a 2% rise in fourth-quarter earnings Tuesday as higher oil prices offset declining production volumes.
The largest U.S. energy company reported net income of $9.4 billion, or $1.97 a share, in the fourth quarter, up from $9.25 billion, or $1.86 a share, in the same period in 2010."
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The largest U.S. energy company reported net income of $9.4 billion, or $1.97 a share, in the fourth quarter, up from $9.25 billion, or $1.86 a share, in the same period in 2010."
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Blurb, Software Untuk Membuat Buku Sendiri
Blurb, Software Untuk Membuat Buku Sendiri: "Mulanya saya sedang berkeliling membaca tulisan-tulisan Rubrik Travel di yang sangat saya sukai, terutama tulisan dari Ni Luh Made Pertiwi F dan I Made Asdhiana. Untuk saya mereka adalah jurnalis di bidang travel yang sangat hebat. Hahahaha..bukan saya mencoba memuji tetapi tulisan mereka untuk saya benar2 informatif sekali.
Di sela-sela berita mengenai Bola, dan Korupsi, rubrik Travel benar-benar seperti air di padang gurun Somalia saja. Membuat saya bisa terbang dan membayangkan keadaan yang ada, dalam waktu singkat. Dalam arti saya akan membuat daftar tempat2 yang akan saya kunjungi. Seperti artikel ini ” Berburu Cakalang dan Lemon Cui.” Senang sekali saya membacanya. Dan banyak sekali tulisan dari rubrik ini yang sangat mengesankan sekali."
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Di sela-sela berita mengenai Bola, dan Korupsi, rubrik Travel benar-benar seperti air di padang gurun Somalia saja. Membuat saya bisa terbang dan membayangkan keadaan yang ada, dalam waktu singkat. Dalam arti saya akan membuat daftar tempat2 yang akan saya kunjungi. Seperti artikel ini ” Berburu Cakalang dan Lemon Cui.” Senang sekali saya membacanya. Dan banyak sekali tulisan dari rubrik ini yang sangat mengesankan sekali."
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Make a premium book. | Blurb
Make a premium book. | Blurb: "Make a premium book.
Without the premium price:
Create your free login.
No credit card required!2
Make your book.
Add your photos, artwork and text. 3
Order one book or several.
Apply the coupon code DIFFERENT
at checkout and you’ll save 20%.*"
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Without the premium price:
Create your free login.
No credit card required!2
Make your book.
Add your photos, artwork and text. 3
Order one book or several.
Apply the coupon code DIFFERENT
at checkout and you’ll save 20%.*"
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How Australia Can Forge A Closer Ties with Indonesia -
How Australia Can Forge A Closer Ties with Indonesia - " - Indonesia's shift towards more openness has allowed the previously troubled relationship with Australia to stabilise. Australian policy thinkers are now looking at options for longer-term ties.
At a time of unprecedented good relations with Indonesia, Australia is now looking to its future. Indonesia's shift towards a more open democratic framework has allowed the previously troubled relationship to stabilise, but its future remains uncertain, especially over the medium to longer term."
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At a time of unprecedented good relations with Indonesia, Australia is now looking to its future. Indonesia's shift towards a more open democratic framework has allowed the previously troubled relationship to stabilise, but its future remains uncertain, especially over the medium to longer term."
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World Bank Pledges USD139 Mln to Handle Flood Risks in Jakarta -
World Bank Pledges USD139 Mln to Handle Flood Risks in Jakarta - "JAKARTA, - The World Bank has pledged US$139.64 million in loans to help the Jakarta administration mitigate flood risks in the capital.
The World Bank and the Jakarta administration officially launched a Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) also known as Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) on Monday, the World Bank said in a press statement released on Monday. Under the project, the Jakarta administration planned to rehabilitate several sections of water flows in the capital. About 67.5 km of 11 sections of main canal and 65 hectares of four dams in the capital would be dredged to restore their actual capacity, the statement said."
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The World Bank and the Jakarta administration officially launched a Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) also known as Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) on Monday, the World Bank said in a press statement released on Monday. Under the project, the Jakarta administration planned to rehabilitate several sections of water flows in the capital. About 67.5 km of 11 sections of main canal and 65 hectares of four dams in the capital would be dredged to restore their actual capacity, the statement said."
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Tuntutan Buruh Medan dan Deli Serdang Dipenuhi -
Tuntutan Buruh Medan dan Deli Serdang Dipenuhi - "MEDAN, - Tuntutan ratusan buruh dari Kota Medan dan Deli Serdang, dalam unjuk rasa di Kantor Pemerintah Provinsi Sumut Senin (30/1/2012) akhirnya dipenuhi. Pemerintah Provinsi Sumut menetapkan Upah Minimum Sektoral Kabupaten/Kota (UMSK) tahun 2012 yang tertunda lebih dari tiga bulan.
Ketua SBSI 1992 Kota Medan Adjion Sitanggang mengatakan sejak tiga bulan lalu UMP Sumut tahun 2012 telah disahkan namun UMSKnya belum. Praktis perekonomian buruh tidak beranjak lebih baik."
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Ketua SBSI 1992 Kota Medan Adjion Sitanggang mengatakan sejak tiga bulan lalu UMP Sumut tahun 2012 telah disahkan namun UMSKnya belum. Praktis perekonomian buruh tidak beranjak lebih baik."
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Amerika Serikat Ingin Terlibat Proyek Pembangunan di Sumut -
Amerika Serikat Ingin Terlibat Proyek Pembangunan di Sumut - "MEDAN, - Amerika Serikat ingin dilibatkan dalam berbagai proyek pembangunan di Sumatera Utara terutama berkaitan dengan bidang infrastruktur dan energi.
Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi 6,7 persen pada tahun 2011 atau diatas rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sebesar 6,5 persen, Sumatera Utara merupakan lokasi yang sangat menarik bagi berbagai kegiatan investasi.
Keinginan tersebut disampaikan Wakil Kepala Misi Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat (Deputy Chief of Mission US Embassy) Theodore G. Osius kepada Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur Sumatera Utara Gatot Pujo Nugroho dalam pertemuan di kediaman Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Senin (30/1/2012)."
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Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi 6,7 persen pada tahun 2011 atau diatas rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sebesar 6,5 persen, Sumatera Utara merupakan lokasi yang sangat menarik bagi berbagai kegiatan investasi.
Keinginan tersebut disampaikan Wakil Kepala Misi Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat (Deputy Chief of Mission US Embassy) Theodore G. Osius kepada Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur Sumatera Utara Gatot Pujo Nugroho dalam pertemuan di kediaman Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Senin (30/1/2012)."
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3 ABG Bali Dijual ke Pria Hidung Belang -
3 ABG Bali Dijual ke Pria Hidung Belang - "DENPASAR, — Tiga anak baru gede (ABG) di Denpasar, Bali, yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) menjadi korban perdagangan manusia. Ketiganya dijadikan pekerja seks komersial (PSK) oleh seorang wanita berinisial FR (17) yang ditangkap aparat Polsek Denpasar Selatan, Kamis lalu.
Berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan, tersangka FR mengaku menjual mereka kepada pria-pria hidung belang dengan harga Rp 400.000 sampai Rp 500.000. "Menurut pengakuan tersangka, mereka dijual sebanyak tiga kali, semata-mata karena uang," ujar Kepala Unit Reskrim Polsek Denpasar Selatan Ajun Komisaris Made Dayendra, Selasa (24/1/2012) siang.
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Berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan, tersangka FR mengaku menjual mereka kepada pria-pria hidung belang dengan harga Rp 400.000 sampai Rp 500.000. "Menurut pengakuan tersangka, mereka dijual sebanyak tiga kali, semata-mata karena uang," ujar Kepala Unit Reskrim Polsek Denpasar Selatan Ajun Komisaris Made Dayendra, Selasa (24/1/2012) siang.
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Another Rough Year Ahead for Indonesian Press | The Jakarta Globe
Another Rough Year Ahead for Indonesian Press | The Jakarta Globe: "If violence and intimidation was the order of the day for Indonesia’s journalists in 2011, this year is shaping up to be no better, press freedom advocates and pundits contend.
On Wednesday, France-based watchdog Reporters Without Borders released its 2011 Press Freedom Index, in which Indonesia dropped 29 places from a year earlier to 146th.
The reason to the drop, the organization said, was largely cases of journalists in Papua being killed, kidnapped and assaulted.
The safety issue could be exacerbated this year by political tensions as jockeying for the 2014 general elections intensifies and a slew of regional elections take place. "
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On Wednesday, France-based watchdog Reporters Without Borders released its 2011 Press Freedom Index, in which Indonesia dropped 29 places from a year earlier to 146th.
The reason to the drop, the organization said, was largely cases of journalists in Papua being killed, kidnapped and assaulted.
The safety issue could be exacerbated this year by political tensions as jockeying for the 2014 general elections intensifies and a slew of regional elections take place. "
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Ajeng: Marzuki pimpin rapat soal nasib Anas -
Ajeng: Marzuki pimpin rapat soal nasib Anas - "Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Anggota Dewan Pembina Partai Demokrat Ajeng Ratna Suminar mengatakan, Marzuki Alie memimpin rapat soal nasib Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Anas Urbaningrum.
"Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina (Marzuki Alie) yang pimpin rapat (membahas nasib Anas) dan anggotanya lebih 20 orang (31 anggota dewan pembina)," kata Ajeng di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Senin."
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"Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina (Marzuki Alie) yang pimpin rapat (membahas nasib Anas) dan anggotanya lebih 20 orang (31 anggota dewan pembina)," kata Ajeng di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Senin."
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Facebook IPO: Valuation could be $100 billion - Jan. 30, 2012
Facebook IPO: Valuation could be $100 billion - Jan. 30, 2012: "NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A long list of tech IPOs captured attention in 2011, but no company has been drooled over like Facebook. And finally, its debut looks to be imminent.
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Facebook may file for an initial public offering as early as this Wednesday. It's still not certain if Facebook will actually file this week."
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The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Facebook may file for an initial public offering as early as this Wednesday. It's still not certain if Facebook will actually file this week."
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Protesters vow to stand their ground at Occupy DC camp -
Protesters vow to stand their ground at Occupy DC camp - "Washington (CNN) -- Protesters occupying two Washington parks say they will stand their ground if National Park Service police come calling Monday to enforce a law against camping.
"I'm going to do the best I can to stay here," said Emily Margaret, who has been staying at Occupy DC's McPherson Park camp. "If they want to arrest me, they can."
A noon Monday deadline for protesters to remove camping gear from the McPherson Park and Freedom Plaza came and went with no immediate move by police."
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"I'm going to do the best I can to stay here," said Emily Margaret, who has been staying at Occupy DC's McPherson Park camp. "If they want to arrest me, they can."
A noon Monday deadline for protesters to remove camping gear from the McPherson Park and Freedom Plaza came and went with no immediate move by police."
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CNN crew detained amid Chinese Tibet crackdown -
CNN crew detained amid Chinese Tibet crackdown - "Sichuan province, China (CNN) -- It's after 10 p.m. when we see a light in the distance. We've traveled for more than three hours up a windy, icy road in western China.
Our hope is to get to the Tibetan autonomous zone, in the mountainous region of Sichuan province, an area reportedly locked in an ever-growing spiral of violence.
We're so close, only an hour or so away. And then the light."
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Our hope is to get to the Tibetan autonomous zone, in the mountainous region of Sichuan province, an area reportedly locked in an ever-growing spiral of violence.
We're so close, only an hour or so away. And then the light."
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Gerakan Wanita Indonesia di Ladang Pembantaian
Gerakan Wanita Indonesia di Ladang Pembantaian: "Sejarah Indonesia telah mencatat bahwa salah satu Gerakan Perempuan Progresif yang pernah ada adalah Gerakan Wanita Indonesia atau lazim sering di sebut sebagai Gerwani. Organisasi ini berdiri pada tahun 1954 sedang cikal bakalnya sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1950, Organisasi ini ternyata sangat aktif terutama di kalangan rakyat kecil dari perkotaan sampai pedesaan.
Para pemimpin Gerwani terdiri dari kaum intelektual, cerdik pandai, pendidik maupun kaum aktifis buruh dan tani. Mereka telah menghimpun kaum perempuan untuk berjuang terhadap kesetaraan gender, penolakan terhadap poligami dan perlunya perempuan terlibat dalam proses politik merupakan beberapa agenda yang mereka usung, Aktifitas Gerwani punya nyali yang besar dan lantang menentang berbagai bentuk diskriminasi Gender yang kala itu masih menggejala, meneriakkan penentangan model sosial Patriarkhi yang menyelimuti relasi sosial di berbagai bidang. Pergerakan yang sangat Progresif ini senantiasa mewarnai percaturan politik tanah air di zaman Bung Karno berkuasa."
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Para pemimpin Gerwani terdiri dari kaum intelektual, cerdik pandai, pendidik maupun kaum aktifis buruh dan tani. Mereka telah menghimpun kaum perempuan untuk berjuang terhadap kesetaraan gender, penolakan terhadap poligami dan perlunya perempuan terlibat dalam proses politik merupakan beberapa agenda yang mereka usung, Aktifitas Gerwani punya nyali yang besar dan lantang menentang berbagai bentuk diskriminasi Gender yang kala itu masih menggejala, meneriakkan penentangan model sosial Patriarkhi yang menyelimuti relasi sosial di berbagai bidang. Pergerakan yang sangat Progresif ini senantiasa mewarnai percaturan politik tanah air di zaman Bung Karno berkuasa."
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iPad Sebesar Becak, Electric Vehicle
iPad Sebesar Becak, Electric Vehicle: "Manado, 30 Januari 2012
The future is here, dalam tulisan yang terdahulu mengenai Mimpi bahwa iPad akan bisa sebesar Becak, ternyata memang sangat di minati orang banyak khusus nya di Jepang, dan Amerika Serikat. Click disini.
Ini dapat dibuktikan dari penjualan mobil EV tahun lalu 2011 di Amerika, di atas 17,000 unit. Nissan Leaf terjual 9,674, and Chevy Volt terjual 7,671. Jika di bandingkan dengan Toyota Prius Hybrid di tahun pertama peluncuran nya terjual 5,562 dan Honda Prius Hydrid terjual 3,788. Dan Ford telah menjual 14,281 Focus Hybrid model. Mitsubishi i-MiEV telah menjual 76 unit."
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The future is here, dalam tulisan yang terdahulu mengenai Mimpi bahwa iPad akan bisa sebesar Becak, ternyata memang sangat di minati orang banyak khusus nya di Jepang, dan Amerika Serikat. Click disini.
Ini dapat dibuktikan dari penjualan mobil EV tahun lalu 2011 di Amerika, di atas 17,000 unit. Nissan Leaf terjual 9,674, and Chevy Volt terjual 7,671. Jika di bandingkan dengan Toyota Prius Hybrid di tahun pertama peluncuran nya terjual 5,562 dan Honda Prius Hydrid terjual 3,788. Dan Ford telah menjual 14,281 Focus Hybrid model. Mitsubishi i-MiEV telah menjual 76 unit."
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Tertuduh Membuat Situs Porno di Hukum Mati
Tertuduh Membuat Situs Porno di Hukum Mati: "Manado, 30 Januari 2012
Surat kabar resmi Iran melaporkan bahwa Pengadilan Revolusioner Iran telah menjatuhkan hukuman mati kepada Saeed Malekpour. Karena menurut beberapa saksi Saeed terlibat membuat situs porno, seperti
Siapakah Saeed Malekpour?
Saeed Malekpour, lahir pada tahun 1975, adalah Material Science Insinyur yang menerima gelar sarjana dari Universitas Sharif yang sangat bergengsi . Beliau bekerja di Iran di sebuah pusat penelitian, sebagai inspektur. Beliau adalah seorang warga Kanada sebelum penangkapannya. Dia diterima ke Kanada Victoria University dan telah pindah ke sana untuk studi pascasarjana."
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Surat kabar resmi Iran melaporkan bahwa Pengadilan Revolusioner Iran telah menjatuhkan hukuman mati kepada Saeed Malekpour. Karena menurut beberapa saksi Saeed terlibat membuat situs porno, seperti
Siapakah Saeed Malekpour?
Saeed Malekpour, lahir pada tahun 1975, adalah Material Science Insinyur yang menerima gelar sarjana dari Universitas Sharif yang sangat bergengsi . Beliau bekerja di Iran di sebuah pusat penelitian, sebagai inspektur. Beliau adalah seorang warga Kanada sebelum penangkapannya. Dia diterima ke Kanada Victoria University dan telah pindah ke sana untuk studi pascasarjana."
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Kaum Pria:5 Rahasia Perempuan Yang Anda Perlu Ketahui
Kaum Pria:5 Rahasia Perempuan Yang Anda Perlu Ketahui: "Di Bawah Nangungan Alam Yang Indah, 30 Januari 2012,
Sudah tak terasa saya menulis di Kompasiana selama hampir setahun, wah senang juga, kata dokter dan para rekan2 saya dulu, untuk terapi menulis sangat membantu saya.
Walaupun saya bukan jurnalis tetapi saya belajar terus menulis.
Walaupun saya bukan sastrawan, tetapi saya terus menerus menulis fiksi, yang kini saya sebut fiksiono, karena rubrik fiksi susah sekali kalau posting ke sana.
Walaupun saya tidak terlalu biasa menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, atau bahasa apapun, saya terus menulis.
Walaupun saya tidak tahu soal internet dan informasi teknologi, tetapi saya terus belajar.
Walaupun saya sudah pensiun dari pekerjaan saya, membuka banyak kesempatan untuk menulis, dan mencoba menuangkan pengalaman, pemikiran, serta berita apa yang saya dapatkan, baik itu dari masa lalu, maupun yang aktual."
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Sudah tak terasa saya menulis di Kompasiana selama hampir setahun, wah senang juga, kata dokter dan para rekan2 saya dulu, untuk terapi menulis sangat membantu saya.
Walaupun saya bukan jurnalis tetapi saya belajar terus menulis.
Walaupun saya bukan sastrawan, tetapi saya terus menerus menulis fiksi, yang kini saya sebut fiksiono, karena rubrik fiksi susah sekali kalau posting ke sana.
Walaupun saya tidak terlalu biasa menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, atau bahasa apapun, saya terus menulis.
Walaupun saya tidak tahu soal internet dan informasi teknologi, tetapi saya terus belajar.
Walaupun saya sudah pensiun dari pekerjaan saya, membuka banyak kesempatan untuk menulis, dan mencoba menuangkan pengalaman, pemikiran, serta berita apa yang saya dapatkan, baik itu dari masa lalu, maupun yang aktual."
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Jika Di TIlang Polisi, Harus Baca Ini
Abi Khansa Ciluk BakEkok
SLIP MERAH = berarti kita menyangkal lalau melanggar aturan dan mau membela secara hukum (ikut sidang) di pengadilan setempat.
itupun di pengadilan masih ada banyak calo, antri panjang dan oknum pengadilan melakukan pungutan liar, berupa pembengkakan nilai tilang kalau kita tidak melakukannya, biasanya dokumen tilang di titipkan di kejaksaan setempat,
disinipun banyak calo dan oknum kejaksaan yang melakukan pungutan liar
(pembengkakan nilai tilang).
SLIP BIRU = berarti kita mengakui kesalahan kita, dan bersedia membayar denda.
kita tinggal transfer dana via ATM ke nomor rekening tertentu,
kalau tidak salah no rek BUMN sesudah itu kita tinggal bawa bukti transfer
untuk di tukarkan dengan SIM/STNK kita di polsek terdekat dimana kita kena tilang.
denda yang tercantum di dalam KUHP pengguna jalan raya tidak melebihi 50RIBU....!
dan dananya MASUK KAS NEGARA.
kalau bepergian jangan lupa membawa ATM dan SIM/STNK kalau ditilang jangan lupa minta SLIP BIRU kalau dibilang sama oknum polisi slip biru tidak ada, gertak
si oknum tersebut dengan HP berkamera se-akan akan kita akan memphotonya
insyallah ini jurus jitu....!
he, he, he, he, heeeeeee.......
Semoga Bermanfaat.
SLIP MERAH = berarti kita menyangkal lalau melanggar aturan dan mau membela secara hukum (ikut sidang) di pengadilan setempat.
itupun di pengadilan masih ada banyak calo, antri panjang dan oknum pengadilan melakukan pungutan liar, berupa pembengkakan nilai tilang kalau kita tidak melakukannya, biasanya dokumen tilang di titipkan di kejaksaan setempat,
disinipun banyak calo dan oknum kejaksaan yang melakukan pungutan liar
(pembengkakan nilai tilang).
SLIP BIRU = berarti kita mengakui kesalahan kita, dan bersedia membayar denda.
kita tinggal transfer dana via ATM ke nomor rekening tertentu,
kalau tidak salah no rek BUMN sesudah itu kita tinggal bawa bukti transfer
untuk di tukarkan dengan SIM/STNK kita di polsek terdekat dimana kita kena tilang.
denda yang tercantum di dalam KUHP pengguna jalan raya tidak melebihi 50RIBU....!
dan dananya MASUK KAS NEGARA.
kalau bepergian jangan lupa membawa ATM dan SIM/STNK kalau ditilang jangan lupa minta SLIP BIRU kalau dibilang sama oknum polisi slip biru tidak ada, gertak
si oknum tersebut dengan HP berkamera se-akan akan kita akan memphotonya
insyallah ini jurus jitu....!
he, he, he, he, heeeeeee.......
Semoga Bermanfaat.
Will Israel Attack Iran? -
Will Israel Attack Iran? - "As the Sabbath evening approached on Jan. 13, Ehud Barak paced the wide living-room floor of his home high above a street in north Tel Aviv, its walls lined with thousands of books on subjects ranging from philosophy and poetry to military strategy. Barak, the Israeli defense minister, is the most decorated soldier in the country’s history and one of its most experienced and controversial politicians. He has served as chief of the general staff for the Israel Defense Forces, interior minister, foreign minister and prime minister."
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UN nuclear team arrives in Iran hoping for progress on probing alleged arms program - The Washington Post
UN nuclear team arrives in Iran hoping for progress on probing alleged arms program - The Washington Post: "TEHRAN, Iran — A U.N. nuclear team arrived in Tehran early Sunday for a mission expected to focus on Iran’s alleged attempt to develop nuclear weapons.
The U.N. nuclear agency delegation includes two senior weapons experts — Jacques Baute of France and Neville Whiting of South Africa — suggesting that Iran may be prepared to address some issues related to the allegations."
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The U.N. nuclear agency delegation includes two senior weapons experts — Jacques Baute of France and Neville Whiting of South Africa — suggesting that Iran may be prepared to address some issues related to the allegations."
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Jamban dan Rp56 triliun -
Jamban dan Rp56 triliun - "Uang negara saban tahun yang terbuang akibat kaitan jamban hingga gaji masyarakat yang hilang dan pendapatan perkapita sangat besar: Rp56 triliun! LSM bergiat di bidang kesehatan dan kemanusiaan, pkpu Lembaga Kemanusiaan Nasional, menyatakan data temuan UNICEF bahwa 26 persen orang Indonesia masih buang air besar di alam terbuka, alias bukan di jamban yang layak.
26 persen warga Indonesia yang perilaku sanitasinya begitu sama dengan 70 juta penduduk Indonesia masih buang air sembarangan. Apa maknanya? Ternyata menurut mereka, dari 100.000 bayi yang lahir di Indonesia, 75 di antaranya meninggal sebelum usia lima tahun akibat terserang diare yang sangat berkorelasi dengan sanitasi umum itu."
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26 persen warga Indonesia yang perilaku sanitasinya begitu sama dengan 70 juta penduduk Indonesia masih buang air sembarangan. Apa maknanya? Ternyata menurut mereka, dari 100.000 bayi yang lahir di Indonesia, 75 di antaranya meninggal sebelum usia lima tahun akibat terserang diare yang sangat berkorelasi dengan sanitasi umum itu."
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Visit Medan Year 2012 Diprediksi Sukses -
Visit Medan Year 2012 Diprediksi Sukses - "MEDAN, - Tahun kunjungan wisata Kota Medan atau "Visit Medan Year 2012" diprediksi sukses meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) yang berkunjung ke Ibu Kota Provinsi Sumatera Utara itu. "Kami optimistis Visit Medan Year 2012 bakal berjalan sukses, diantaranya dari sisi jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara," kata Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kota Medan, Busral Manan di Medan, Rabu (25/1/2012)."
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TdS 2011, Hotel di Padang "Panen" -
TdS 2011, Hotel di Padang "Panen" - "PADANG, — Hotel-hotel di Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat, menuai pemasukan yang tinggi akibat perhelatan Tour de Singkarak (TdS) 2011. Okupansi sebagian besar hotel penuh terutama saat peserta harus menginap di Kota Padang.
Menurut Ketua PHRI Sumatera Barat Maulana Yusran, panitia TdS sendiri memakai sekitar 230 kamar dari 10 hotel yang ada di Kota Padang.
"Satu tim itu perlu empat kamar. Jadi kalau dari data panitia, ada 230 kamar yang dipakai untuk peserta, VIP, panitia, dan pihak yang terlibat. Tapi, di luar itu ada lagi. Seperti kamar untuk wartawan juga bertambah. Belum lagi penggemar sepeda yang datang. Ini juga diadakan tepat saat liburan sekolah. Kami prediksi ada tambahan 50-60 kamar," katanya."
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Menurut Ketua PHRI Sumatera Barat Maulana Yusran, panitia TdS sendiri memakai sekitar 230 kamar dari 10 hotel yang ada di Kota Padang.
"Satu tim itu perlu empat kamar. Jadi kalau dari data panitia, ada 230 kamar yang dipakai untuk peserta, VIP, panitia, dan pihak yang terlibat. Tapi, di luar itu ada lagi. Seperti kamar untuk wartawan juga bertambah. Belum lagi penggemar sepeda yang datang. Ini juga diadakan tepat saat liburan sekolah. Kami prediksi ada tambahan 50-60 kamar," katanya."
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Ibarat Bintang Lima, Harga Kaki Lima -
Ibarat Bintang Lima, Harga Kaki Lima - " - Domestic Hotel ibarat sebuah anekdot untuk rumah makan yang berbunyi "makanan kaki lima, rasa bintang lima". Hotel melati itu tampak megah berdiri di pinggir Jalan Eyang Tirtapraja No.48, Pamanukan, Subang, Jawa Barat. Walaupun Pamanukan adalah salah satu daerah yang sibuk, namun hotel di kawasan ini masih sedikit. Mengapa sibuk? Karena setiap kendaraan yang melalui jalur pantura pasti harus lewat Pamanukan. Apalagi di kala mudik jelang Lebaran."
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Kolam Renang Hangat sampai "Ballroom" Terbesar... -
Kolam Renang Hangat sampai "Ballroom" Terbesar... - " – Kunjungan wisatawan ke Bandung utara semakin pesat. Hotel berbintang pun berjamuran di kawasan Bandung utara. Namun, ada sebuah hotel lama yang masih tampak muda walau usianya sudah 20 tahun. Gumilang Regency Hotel memang berdiri di tahun 1990 dan mengalami renovasi di tahun 2007."
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Inilah Tren Hotel Tahun 2012 -
Inilah Tren Hotel Tahun 2012 - " – Pertumbuhan akomodasi di Indonesia terus meningkat. Data dari BPS menunjukkan, tahun 2010 hotel berbintang berjumlah 1.306 unit, sementara di tahun 2011 meningkat menjadi 1.489 unit. Sedangkan akomodasi non bintang meningkat dari 13.281 unit di tahun 2010 menjadi 13.794 unit di tahun 2011.
Tentang akomodasi di Indonesia, bertanya kepada beberapa orang yang berhubungan dengan pariwisata, mulai dari pihak dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, pengusaha perhotelan, pengguna jasa hotel, sampai jurnalis di bidang pariwisata."
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Tentang akomodasi di Indonesia, bertanya kepada beberapa orang yang berhubungan dengan pariwisata, mulai dari pihak dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, pengusaha perhotelan, pengguna jasa hotel, sampai jurnalis di bidang pariwisata."
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Inilah Hotel-hotel Baru Tahun 2012 -
Inilah Hotel-hotel Baru Tahun 2012 - " – Anda sedang merencanakan liburan atau perjalanan bisnis di Indonesia pada tahun 2012 ini? Beberapa jaringan hotel terkemuka baik nasional maupun internasional akan membuka beberapa hotel di Indonesia. Mulai dari budget hotel, hotel berbintang, sampai boutique hotel.
Berikut beberapa hotel baru yang buka di 2012 dari jaringan Hotel Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, Horison Hotels Group, Tauzia Management, Aston International, Whiz Hotel, Accor Group, Tune Hotel, Swissbell Hotel, dan Dafam Hotel. Angka dan keterangan dalam tanda kurung menunjukkan kelas dan klasifikasi hotel. "
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Berikut beberapa hotel baru yang buka di 2012 dari jaringan Hotel Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, Horison Hotels Group, Tauzia Management, Aston International, Whiz Hotel, Accor Group, Tune Hotel, Swissbell Hotel, dan Dafam Hotel. Angka dan keterangan dalam tanda kurung menunjukkan kelas dan klasifikasi hotel. "
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Dilema Eceng Gondok Danau Tondano -
Dilema Eceng Gondok Danau Tondano - " – Hamparan sungai memanjakan mata sebelum masuk ke kawasan Danau Tondano, Sulawesi Utara. Anda perlu meluangkan waktu yang banyak untuk wisata ke Danau Tondano. Hitung saja berapa waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengelilingi Danau Tondano sepanjang 42 kilometer in"
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Pulau Derawan Memang Eksotis... -
Pulau Derawan Memang Eksotis... - "SAMARINDA, - Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur mengusulkan kepada pemerintah pusat melalui Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata untuk menjadikan Pulau Derawan dan gugusan pulau lain di kawasan itu sebagai tujuan wisata nasional.
"Kami berharap Pulau Derawan dan gugusan pulau kecil lain di sekitarnya ditetapkan sebagai tujuan wisata nasional seperti Sail Bunaken, Sail Wakatobi serta Pulau Komodo," kata Gubernur Kaltim Awang Faroek Ishak di Samarinda, Selasa (12/4/2011)."
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"Kami berharap Pulau Derawan dan gugusan pulau kecil lain di sekitarnya ditetapkan sebagai tujuan wisata nasional seperti Sail Bunaken, Sail Wakatobi serta Pulau Komodo," kata Gubernur Kaltim Awang Faroek Ishak di Samarinda, Selasa (12/4/2011)."
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Menko Kesra: Percepat Persiapan Sail Morotai -
Menko Kesra: Percepat Persiapan Sail Morotai - "MANADO, - Menteri Koodinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Menko Kesra) Agung Laksono menyatakan persiapan Sail Morotai 2012 perlu dipercepat, sehingga sarana dan prasarananya segera tersedia sebagai penunjang kegiatan. "Memang sudah ada perintah jajaran vertikal dan melakukan persiapan, namun memang perlu dipercepat persiapannya," kata Agung Laksono di Manado, Sabtu (28/1/2012), usai mengunjungi persiapan Sail Morotai."
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TV Belgia Tayangkan Keindahan Bali dan Lombok -
TV Belgia Tayangkan Keindahan Bali dan Lombok - "LONDON, - Stasiun televisi Brussel VRT (Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroep) menayangkan film dokumenter tentang Bali dan Lombok dalam rangkaian mempopulerkan Indonesia sebagai negara tujuan wisata bagi wisatawan Eropa"
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4 Truths About Women No Man Should Ever Forget |
4 Truths About Women No Man Should Ever Forget | "Even though men think that they know how a woman's mind works, they often make mistakes or blunders that can cause arguments and fights, which is why you should acquaint yourself with the 4 truths about women no man should ever forget to ensure smooth sailing. These should and will help you understand women better, whether that woman is your mother, friend or significant other."
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6 Ways To Deal With Rejection From A Woman |
6 Ways To Deal With Rejection From A Woman | "Learning how to deal with rejection from the fairer sex is something most guys just pick up over the normal course of time. A man’s learning curve is a very slow one when it comes to women. From the time a guy first realizes he likes girls until college or so, he fails more times than he succeeds. It’s sort of a right of passage when you finally figure out how to maneuver more effectively in social settings that involve the opposite sex. If you haven’t figured out how to deal with rejection from women by now, you’re either a pretty boy who never needed to develop social skills, or a dude that’s never stepped on the field before. Either way, these six ways to deal with rejection from a woman will get you up to speed with the rest of the average Joes out there."
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Warning! 7 Lies All Women Tell Men |
Warning! 7 Lies All Women Tell Men | "EMMA SARRAN
Let me start by being completely, um, honest. Every once in a while, we ladies have been known to play a little fast and loose with the truth around you guys. Believe me, we do it with the purest of intentions (really!). And rather than try to change us, your best bet—for keeping your woman happy and your sanity intact—is to simply recognize what’s going on and be smooth about it. With that in mind, here are seven lies we commonly tell men, and how to handle them. Just trust me on this stuff, OK?"
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Let me start by being completely, um, honest. Every once in a while, we ladies have been known to play a little fast and loose with the truth around you guys. Believe me, we do it with the purest of intentions (really!). And rather than try to change us, your best bet—for keeping your woman happy and your sanity intact—is to simply recognize what’s going on and be smooth about it. With that in mind, here are seven lies we commonly tell men, and how to handle them. Just trust me on this stuff, OK?"
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20 Airbus A380s inspected for cracks -
20 Airbus A380s inspected for cracks - "
The company confirmed six A380s with the highest number of takeoffs and landings must be checked by Friday.
Airbus A380 jets are being inspected; cracks found inside some wings
Airbus said the situation was not an airworthiness or safety issue
London (CNN) -- Twenty Airbus A380 Superjumbo jets will be inspected after cracks were found inside some wings, the manufacturer said Wednesday.
The European Aviation Safety Agency ordered the inspections.
"This is not a fatigue problem, but a problem during the manufacturing process," said Tom Williams, an Airbus executive vice president."
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The company confirmed six A380s with the highest number of takeoffs and landings must be checked by Friday.
Airbus A380 jets are being inspected; cracks found inside some wings
Airbus said the situation was not an airworthiness or safety issue
London (CNN) -- Twenty Airbus A380 Superjumbo jets will be inspected after cracks were found inside some wings, the manufacturer said Wednesday.
The European Aviation Safety Agency ordered the inspections.
"This is not a fatigue problem, but a problem during the manufacturing process," said Tom Williams, an Airbus executive vice president."
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PT ASDP Merak Kerahkan 25 Kapal -
PT ASDP Merak Kerahkan 25 Kapal - "MERAK, - PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry Cabang Utama Merak mengoperasikan 25 kapal roll on roll of (roro) pada akhir pekan untuk mengatasi lonjakan penumpang dan angkutan truk.
"Selama ini penyeberangan Merak-Bakauheni berjalan lancar dan semua penumpang dan kendaran terangkut ke atas kapal roro," kata pelaksana harian (Plh) Manajer Operasional PT Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry Cabang Utama Merak, Didi Juliansyah, di Merak, Provinsi Banten, Sabtu (28/1/2012)."
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"Selama ini penyeberangan Merak-Bakauheni berjalan lancar dan semua penumpang dan kendaran terangkut ke atas kapal roro," kata pelaksana harian (Plh) Manajer Operasional PT Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry Cabang Utama Merak, Didi Juliansyah, di Merak, Provinsi Banten, Sabtu (28/1/2012)."
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Tidak Ada Korban Jiwa di Nusa Dua -
Tidak Ada Korban Jiwa di Nusa Dua - "JAKARTA, -- Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana menegaskan, tidak ada badai yang menyebabkan 100 orang meninggal dan luka di Nusa Dua Bali, Jumat (27/1/2012) dan Sabtu (28/1/2012). Angin memang cukup kencang dan gelombang tinggi di perairan Nusa Dua Bali.
Sebelumnya beredar luas kabar melalui pesan Blackberry mengenai badai melanda Nusa Dua dan mengakibatkan seratus orang meninggal. Beredar pula mengenai kerusakan rumah-rumah akibat badai."
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Sebelumnya beredar luas kabar melalui pesan Blackberry mengenai badai melanda Nusa Dua dan mengakibatkan seratus orang meninggal. Beredar pula mengenai kerusakan rumah-rumah akibat badai."
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Lima Kali Menabrak, 15 Orang Terluka -
Lima Kali Menabrak, 15 Orang Terluka - "MAKASSAR, -- Mobil Honda Jazz bernomor polisi DD 175 UG yang dikemudikan Reski Ramadhani (14) menabrak hingga lima kali di sepanjang Jalan Haji Gau hingga Jalan Daeng Tata, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Sabtu (28/01/2012) petang. Sebanyak 15 orang yang terdiri dari tukang becak dan pengendara sepeda motor terluka.
Kepala Polsek Kota Tamalate Ajun Komisaris Amran Allobaji mengatakan, pihaknya telah menahan Reski dan memanggil orangtuanya, Muhammad Nadir, sebagai pemilik kendaraan. "Kami menduga ada faktor kelalaian orangtua, sehingga anak di bawah umur bebas mengemudikan mobil," kata Amran.
Para korban terluka saat ini dirawat di RS Haji dan RS Bhayangkara yang tak jauh dari lokasi kecelakaan. Mereka umumnya mengalami luka di bagian tangan dan kaki akibat terjatuh dari becak dan sepeda motor."
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Kepala Polsek Kota Tamalate Ajun Komisaris Amran Allobaji mengatakan, pihaknya telah menahan Reski dan memanggil orangtuanya, Muhammad Nadir, sebagai pemilik kendaraan. "Kami menduga ada faktor kelalaian orangtua, sehingga anak di bawah umur bebas mengemudikan mobil," kata Amran.
Para korban terluka saat ini dirawat di RS Haji dan RS Bhayangkara yang tak jauh dari lokasi kecelakaan. Mereka umumnya mengalami luka di bagian tangan dan kaki akibat terjatuh dari becak dan sepeda motor."
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Dari Bali untuk Lampung
Dari Bali untuk Lampung: "Hari hari ini adalah menjelang hari raya galungan di Bali. Mereka menyambut hari kemenangan dharma. Hari hari menjelang galungan itu pula orang Bali di Lampung terkena musibah. Namun bagi orang Bali musibah tak selalu bermakna buruk, dia disikapi dengan melakukan ritual disebut guru piduka. Penduduk di desa Kaba-kaba Tabanan Bali melakukannya untuk menguatkan saudara mereka yang ada di daerah trans.
“Mereka sudah lebih dari 50 tahun bermukim disana, bahkan kebanyakan lahir di Lampung,” ungkap Gusti Sudiartha, 55 tahun yang saudaranya banyak bermukim di Lampung. Secara periodik tiap dua bulan sekali ada keluarga mereka yang datang dengan mengendarai bus carteran khusus. Mereka mengangkut beras, cengkeh, kopi dan hasil bumi Lampung lainnya untuk dijual di Bali. Semuanya hasil petani asal Bali."
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“Mereka sudah lebih dari 50 tahun bermukim disana, bahkan kebanyakan lahir di Lampung,” ungkap Gusti Sudiartha, 55 tahun yang saudaranya banyak bermukim di Lampung. Secara periodik tiap dua bulan sekali ada keluarga mereka yang datang dengan mengendarai bus carteran khusus. Mereka mengangkut beras, cengkeh, kopi dan hasil bumi Lampung lainnya untuk dijual di Bali. Semuanya hasil petani asal Bali."
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Kerja Sama Operasi, Merpati Inginkan Porsi 96,5 Persen -
Kerja Sama Operasi, Merpati Inginkan Porsi 96,5 Persen - "Merauke, Kompas - PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines menginginkan besaran pembagian pendapatan 96,5 persen dari pengoperasian pesawat Boeing 737-300, kerja sama dengan Pemkab Merauke, Provinsi Papua. Sebaliknya, Pemkab Merauke selaku pemilik pesawat cuma mendapatkan 3,5 persen.
Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA) Imam Turidi, yang dihubungi dari Merauke, Kamis (24/11), mengatakan, usulan bagi hasil itu mengacu pada besaran biaya perawatan dan biaya operasional total yang harus ditanggung Merpati selama mengoperasikan pesawat B737-300. Selain itu, juga dari hasil pembandingan harga sewa pesawat yang berlaku umum saat ini."
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Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA) Imam Turidi, yang dihubungi dari Merauke, Kamis (24/11), mengatakan, usulan bagi hasil itu mengacu pada besaran biaya perawatan dan biaya operasional total yang harus ditanggung Merpati selama mengoperasikan pesawat B737-300. Selain itu, juga dari hasil pembandingan harga sewa pesawat yang berlaku umum saat ini."
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Pemkab Merauke dan Merpati Sepakati Harga Tiket -
Pemkab Merauke dan Merpati Sepakati Harga Tiket - "MERAUKE, - Pemerintah Kabupaten Merauke dan PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines mencapai kesepakatan kerjasama operasional (KSO) pesawat Boeing 737-300 bernama Kli milik Pemkab Merauke.
Kedua pihak juga sepakat melakukan pembatasan harga tiket Merauke-Jakarta sebesar Rp 2,8 juta sebagai bentuk pelayanan sosial kepada masyarakat Merauke. "Kami akan segera menendatangani KSO Kli, direncanakan sebelum 31 Januari," ungkap Bupati Merauke Romanus Mbaraka di Merauke, Papua, Rabu (18/1/2012)."
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Kedua pihak juga sepakat melakukan pembatasan harga tiket Merauke-Jakarta sebesar Rp 2,8 juta sebagai bentuk pelayanan sosial kepada masyarakat Merauke. "Kami akan segera menendatangani KSO Kli, direncanakan sebelum 31 Januari," ungkap Bupati Merauke Romanus Mbaraka di Merauke, Papua, Rabu (18/1/2012)."
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Merpati Gagal Mendarat di Bima -
Merpati Gagal Mendarat di Bima - "DENPASAR, — Pesawat Merpati MA-60 yang membawa 46 penumpang dari Denpasar menuju Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, gagal mendarat karena cuaca buruk. Pesawat memutar haluan dan kembali mendarat di Bandara Ngurah Rai, Denpasar, Bali, setelah melakukan perjalanan 50 menit, dari rencana perjalanan 65 menit."
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Polisi Masih Berjaga-jaga di Bima -
Polisi Masih Berjaga-jaga di Bima - "BIMA, Polisi masih menjaga ketat gedung-gedung penting di Pemerintah Kabupaten Bima Pascakerusuhan Kamis (26/1/2012) lalu.
Pantauan Kompas, Jumat (27/1/2012), di Bima, penjagaan terlihat di gedung pemkab yang kini sudah menjadi puing dan pendopo kabupaten yang dihuni oleh bupati Bima Ferry Zulkarnaen.
Satu peleton brimob juga di tempatkan di Kantor Loka Karya yang akan menjadi kantor sementara.
Kini Ratusan pegawai pemda tak bisa beraktivitas karena belum mempunyai tempat dan alat kerja.
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Pantauan Kompas, Jumat (27/1/2012), di Bima, penjagaan terlihat di gedung pemkab yang kini sudah menjadi puing dan pendopo kabupaten yang dihuni oleh bupati Bima Ferry Zulkarnaen.
Satu peleton brimob juga di tempatkan di Kantor Loka Karya yang akan menjadi kantor sementara.
Kini Ratusan pegawai pemda tak bisa beraktivitas karena belum mempunyai tempat dan alat kerja.
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Tim Forensik Periksa Gedung Pemda -
Tim Forensik Periksa Gedung Pemda - "BIMA, — Tim Forensik dari Polda Bali, Sabtu (28/1/2012), memeriksa puing-puing gedung Pemkab Bima yang dibakar massa dua hari sebelumnya. Pemeriksaan berlangsun sejak pukul 08.00 Wita."
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Anggota Brimob Tewas di Puncak Jaya -
Anggota Brimob Tewas di Puncak Jaya - "JAYAPURA, — Briptu Sukarno, anggota Detasemen A Brimob Polda Papua, tewas diterjang peluru yang berasal dari kelompok bersenjata di Mulia, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, Papua.
Menurut keterangan Kepala Polres Puncak Jaya Ajun Komisaris Besar Alex Korwa, penyerangan oleh orang tak dikenal itu terjadi saat Sukarno dan 11 rekannya tengah bertugas di kawasan milik PT Modern. Mereka diserang saat berpatroli rutin di "
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Menurut keterangan Kepala Polres Puncak Jaya Ajun Komisaris Besar Alex Korwa, penyerangan oleh orang tak dikenal itu terjadi saat Sukarno dan 11 rekannya tengah bertugas di kawasan milik PT Modern. Mereka diserang saat berpatroli rutin di "
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Anas dan Ibas Naik Becak di Pontianak -
Anas dan Ibas Naik Becak di Pontianak - "PONTIANAK, — Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Anas Urbaningrum dan Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Demokrat Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono naik becak sejauh dua kilometer dari Hotel Mercure ke Pontianak Convention Centre, Sabtu (28/1/2012). Keduanya akan menghadiri pelantikan pengurus harian Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Partai Demokrat Kalimantan Barat."
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Puluhan Rumah di Bali Rusak Tersapu Puting Beliung -
Puluhan Rumah di Bali Rusak Tersapu Puting Beliung - "DENPASAR, — Sedikitnya 42 rumah di kawasan Tukad Balian, Denpasar, rusak parah akibat tersapu angin puting beliung saat terjadi hujan deras, Sabtu (28/01/2012). Kebanyakan rumah rusak di bagian atap dan pagar, namun beberapa rumah semipermanen mengalami kerusakan cukup parah."
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Biji Anggur Berpotensi Membunuh Sel Kanker -
Biji Anggur Berpotensi Membunuh Sel Kanker - " - Biji anggur belakangan ini banyak diteliti khasiatnya bagi kesehatan. Salah satu yang terbaru adalah kemampuannya dalam mengatasi kanker kulit dan mencegah kebutaan. Tidak hanya itu, sebuah riset teranyar bahkan menunjukkan ekstrak biji anggur mampu untuk membunuh sel kanker di leher dan kepala. Temuan ini diterbitkan dalam journal Carcinogenesis."
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Kemandulan Bukan Kesalahan Perempuan Saja
Kemandulan Bukan Kesalahan Perempuan Saja: "Mitos mengenai bahwa kemandulan adalah kesalahan perempuan ternyatan tidak selalu benar. Menurut laporan yang di tulis di hari ini menjelaskan mitos mengenai Pria Mandul.
Kenyataan nya menurut laporan kesehatan banyak faktor yang membuat pria mandul. Salah satu nya penambahan umur. Sejak 50 tahun terakhir ini, sperma pria menurun 50% dari 1 per 20 pria memiliki sprema yang sub-normal. dan 35 % kemandulan di karenakan pihak laki-laki.
Menurut Professor Robert Winston, dalam bukunya Infertility – a Sympathetic Approach (Berkeley: Optima, 1994). Menjelaskan “Pasangan subur rata-rata yang melakukan hubungan seks tanpa kondom memiliki sekitar 15 persen kesempatan untuk hamil setiap bulan. Jadi, sekitar setengah populasi subur memakan waktu sekitar 4-5 bulan untuk hamil dan sebagian pasangan yang normal akan memiliki harapan sudah untuk mulai kehamilan dalam waktu satu tahun berusaha untuk hamil. “"
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Kenyataan nya menurut laporan kesehatan banyak faktor yang membuat pria mandul. Salah satu nya penambahan umur. Sejak 50 tahun terakhir ini, sperma pria menurun 50% dari 1 per 20 pria memiliki sprema yang sub-normal. dan 35 % kemandulan di karenakan pihak laki-laki.
Menurut Professor Robert Winston, dalam bukunya Infertility – a Sympathetic Approach (Berkeley: Optima, 1994). Menjelaskan “Pasangan subur rata-rata yang melakukan hubungan seks tanpa kondom memiliki sekitar 15 persen kesempatan untuk hamil setiap bulan. Jadi, sekitar setengah populasi subur memakan waktu sekitar 4-5 bulan untuk hamil dan sebagian pasangan yang normal akan memiliki harapan sudah untuk mulai kehamilan dalam waktu satu tahun berusaha untuk hamil. “"
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Setelah Miranda, Apa Kabar Tjahjo dan Emir? -
Setelah Miranda, Apa Kabar Tjahjo dan Emir? - "JAKARTA, - Indonesia Corruption Watch mengungkapkan, meski Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi telah menetapkan Miranda Swaray Goeltom sebagai tersangka, masih ada nama-nama lain yang belum tersentuh dalam perkara ini. Di antaranya Ketua Komisi XI Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) Izedrik Emir Moeis dan Sekjen PDIP, Tjahjo Kumolo. Keduanya diduga mengetahui awal kasus cek perjalanan mengalir untuk pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia yang dimenangkan Miranda.
"KPK perlu mencermati beberapa pihak yang belum tersentuh. Seperti beberapa figur politik Tjahjo Kumolo dan Emir Moeis yang memang hingga saat ini belum tersentuh," ujar Aktivis ICW, Febri Diansyah, di kantornya, di Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (27/1/2012)."
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"KPK perlu mencermati beberapa pihak yang belum tersentuh. Seperti beberapa figur politik Tjahjo Kumolo dan Emir Moeis yang memang hingga saat ini belum tersentuh," ujar Aktivis ICW, Febri Diansyah, di kantornya, di Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (27/1/2012)."
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NCB Interpol Indonesia - Pelaksanaan Penyerahan Ekstradisi Popa Nicolae kepada Pemerintah Rumania
NCB Interpol Indonesia - Pelaksanaan Penyerahan Ekstradisi Popa Nicolae kepada Pemerintah Rumania: "Bersamaan dengan ditangkapnya Buronan Interpol yang bernama Popa Nicolae di Hotel Grand Hyaat Jakarta pada Desember 2009, Pemerintah Rumania menyampaikan surat resmi permintaan ekstradisi kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk mengekstradisi seorang terpidana, warga negara Rumania, dengan nama Popa Nicolae. Tujuan Permintaan Ekstradisi adalah agar Popa Nicolae dapat menjalani hukuman sesuai dengan Keputusan High Court of Justice and Cassation of Romania dengan Putusan Nomor 2098, dengan Berkas Nomor 24632/3/2006 tanggal 4 Juni 2009 yang memutuskan hukuman pidana penjara 15 (lima belas) tahun kepada Popa Nicolae karena telah dinyatakan bersalah melakukan penipuan, penggelapan dan pemalsuan surat/dokumen rahasia di wilayah hukum Rumania."
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NCB Interpol Indonesia - Gabon police rescue 140 victims of child trafficking and labour in INTERPOL co-ordinated operation
NCB Interpol Indonesia - Gabon police rescue 140 victims of child trafficking and labour in INTERPOL co-ordinated operation: "LIBREVILLE, Gabon – Police in Gabon have rescued more than 140 children who had been trafficked from 10 different countries to work as forced labour in local markets, in an INTERPOL-led operation codenamed Bana.
Some 44 people were arrested in the operation, which took place from 9-11 December and was the first operation of its kind in Central Africa.
During the operation, teams of officials carried out checks at market stalls in the capital city Libreville, where children as young as six years old were working in a variety of roles, from carrying heavy goods, to selling products."
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Some 44 people were arrested in the operation, which took place from 9-11 December and was the first operation of its kind in Central Africa.
During the operation, teams of officials carried out checks at market stalls in the capital city Libreville, where children as young as six years old were working in a variety of roles, from carrying heavy goods, to selling products."
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NCB Interpol Indonesia - THE 1ST PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION OF SEXUAL AND GENDER BASED VIOLENCE COURSE, 2 – 13 MEI 2011, CoESPU, ITALIA: "Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia secara konsisten sejak tahun 2007 hingga saat ini telah mengirimkan personilnya untuk mengikuti pelatihan di CoESPU, Vicenza, Italia untuk program Kursus Manajemen Tingkat Tinggi (High Level) dan Manajemen Tingkat Menengah (Middle Level). Program tersebut telah berakhir pada tahun 2010 dan PBB telah menyusun program baru yang saat ini dipandang perlu untuk dilaksanakan seiring dengan perkembangan keadaan di lapangan, yaitu the 1st Prevention and Investigation on Sexual and Gender Based Violence Course (SGBV)."
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NCB Interpol Indonesia - News
NCB Interpol Indonesia - News: "Dalam rangka menindaklanjuti Rapim Polri tanggal 17-19 Januari 2012, Divisi Hubungan Internasional Polri melaksanakan Rapat Kerja Teknis pada tanggal 26 hingga 27 Januari 2012 di ruang rapat Divhubinter, Mabes Polri, Jakarta yang dihadiri oleh para Pejabat Utama Divhubinter Polri dan Atase Polri yang ditugaskan di 9 negara akreditasi yaitu Atase Polri di Amerika Serikat, Arab Saudi, Australia, Belanda, Filipina, Malaysia, Thailand, Timor Leste dan Singapura serta Staf Teknis Polri yang ditugaskan di 6 negara bagian yaitu Staf Teknis Polri di Penang, Kuching, Tawau, Johor Bahru (Malaysia), Hong Kong (Cina) dan Davao (Filipina). "
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FBI — Federal Statutes
FBI — Federal Statutes: "We exercise jurisdiction and investigative responsibilities pursuant to the following federal statutes pertaining to various crimes against children.
1) Follow the links for summaries from the Federal Criminal Code and Rules under Title 18 of the United States Code. Federal law defines a "minor" as a child under the age of 18 unless specified otherwise."
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1) Follow the links for summaries from the Federal Criminal Code and Rules under Title 18 of the United States Code. Federal law defines a "minor" as a child under the age of 18 unless specified otherwise."
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FBI — CARD Teams
FBI — CARD Teams: "It is the mission of the FBI's Crimes Against Children Unit to provide a quick and effective response to all incidents of crimes against children. The first few hours after a child is abducted are critical, and that is why we have established the Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) Teams.
The CARD Teams are designed to deploy teams of 4-6 experienced personnel to provide on-the-ground investigative, technical, and resource assistance to state and local law enforcement. The CARD Teams consist of Crimes Against Children investigators who have in-depth experience in child abduction cases. The nationwide CARD Team consists of 60 members, with two full teams serving each region of the country. They work closely with FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit representatives, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime Coordinators, and Crimes Against Children Coordinators."
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The CARD Teams are designed to deploy teams of 4-6 experienced personnel to provide on-the-ground investigative, technical, and resource assistance to state and local law enforcement. The CARD Teams consist of Crimes Against Children investigators who have in-depth experience in child abduction cases. The nationwide CARD Team consists of 60 members, with two full teams serving each region of the country. They work closely with FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit representatives, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime Coordinators, and Crimes Against Children Coordinators."
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FBI — Crimes Against Children
FBI — Crimes Against Children: "The mission of our Crimes Against Children program is threefold: first, to decrease the vulnerability of children to sexual exploitation; second, to develop a nationwide capacity to provide a rapid, effective, and measured investigative response to crimes against children; and third, to enhance the capabilities of state and local law enforcement investigators through programs, investigative assistance, and task force operations.
Our strategy involves using multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams to investigate and prosecute crimes that cross legal, geographical, and jurisdictional boundaries; promoting and enhancing interagency sharing of intelligence, specialized skills, and services; and widely offering our victim/witness services."
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Our strategy involves using multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams to investigate and prosecute crimes that cross legal, geographical, and jurisdictional boundaries; promoting and enhancing interagency sharing of intelligence, specialized skills, and services; and widely offering our victim/witness services."
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FBI — New E-Scams & Warnings
FBI — New E-Scams & Warnings: "To report potential e-scams, please go the Internet Crime Complaint Center and file a report. Note: the FBI does not send mass e-mails to private citizens about cyber scams, so if you received an e-mail that claims to be from the FBI Director or other top official, it is most likely a scam.
If you receive unsolicited e-mail offers or spam, you can forward the messages to the Federal Trade Commission at
Below are some recent scams and warnings.
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If you receive unsolicited e-mail offers or spam, you can forward the messages to the Federal Trade Commission at
Below are some recent scams and warnings.
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FBI — Fusion Center Key in Rescue of Abducted Infant
FBI — Fusion Center Key in Rescue of Abducted Infant: "On a September evening in 2009, a woman answered a knock at her Nashville, Tennessee door from someone claiming to be an immigration agent. A short time later, when police responded to a 911 call from the residence, they found the woman beaten and stabbed—and her 4-day-old son abducted."
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FBI — Cyber Alerts for Parents & Kids: Be Prudent When Posting Images Online
FBI — Cyber Alerts for Parents & Kids: Be Prudent When Posting Images Online: "With the explosive popularity of smartphones and social media platforms, sharing photos has never been easier. Millions of pictures are uploaded to the web every day, and camera-enabled mobile phones are the perennial top-selling consumer electronic devices. So it’s a safe bet that even more photos will be cropping up on image-hosting communities and personal websites.
But what exactly is being shared?
In some cases, you might unwittingly be letting others know where you live and work and your travel patterns and habits. These details can be revealed through bits of information embedded in images taken with smartphones and some digital cameras and then shared on public websites. The information, called metadata, often includes the times, dates, and geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) where images are taken."
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But what exactly is being shared?
In some cases, you might unwittingly be letting others know where you live and work and your travel patterns and habits. These details can be revealed through bits of information embedded in images taken with smartphones and some digital cameras and then shared on public websites. The information, called metadata, often includes the times, dates, and geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) where images are taken."
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FBI — 18 Child Porn Websites Shut Down
FBI — 18 Child Porn Websites Shut Down: "In another example of the increasingly international nature of crime, a man was recently indicted on federal charges of running 18 Chinese-language child pornography websites out of his apartment in Flushing, New York. The websites were being advertised to Chinese-speaking individuals in China, in the U.S., and other countries.
This case serves as an example of something else as well: the increasingly international nature of law enforcement. While the FBI investigated this case in the U.S., we received what U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of the Southern District of New York called “extensive cooperation and assistance” from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security."
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This case serves as an example of something else as well: the increasingly international nature of law enforcement. While the FBI investigated this case in the U.S., we received what U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of the Southern District of New York called “extensive cooperation and assistance” from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security."
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DNSChanger Malware
DNS (Domain Name System) is an Internet service that converts user-friendly domain
names into the numerical Internet protocol (IP) addresses that computers use to talk to
each other. When you enter a domain name, such as, in your web browser
address bar, your computer contacts DNS servers to determine the IP address for the
website. Your computer then uses this IP address to locate and connect to the website. DNS
servers are operated by your Internet service provider (ISP) and are included in your
computer’s network configuration. DNS and DNS Servers are a critical component of your
computer’s operating environment—without them, you would not be able to access
websites, send e-mail, or use any other Internet services.
Criminals have learned that if they can control a user’s DNS servers, they can control what
sites the user connects to on the Internet. By controlling DNS, a criminal can get an
unsuspecting user to connect to a fraudulent website or to interfere with that user’s online
web browsing. One way criminals do this is by infecting computers with a class of malicious
software (malware) called DNSChanger. In this scenario, the criminal uses the malware to
change the user’s DNS server settings to replace the ISP’s good DNS servers with bad DNS
servers operated by the criminal. A bad DNS server operated by a criminal is referred to as
a rogue DNS server.
FBI — News Blog
FBI — News Blog: "A fugitive wanted for a June 2010 homicide in the city of Palmdale was returned to the U.S. yesterday following her capture in Belize. Larene Eleanor Austin, 29, allegedly murdered Lanell Barsock in 2010 and attempted to frame the victim’s boyfriend for the murder.
When Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detectives determined that Austin had fled the state of California, detectives requested assistance from the Los Angeles Fugitive Task Force, and publicized the case on the television program, America’s Most Wanted."
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When Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detectives determined that Austin had fled the state of California, detectives requested assistance from the Los Angeles Fugitive Task Force, and publicized the case on the television program, America’s Most Wanted."
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FBI — Common Fraud Schemes
FBI — Common Fraud Schemes: "he following are some of the most common scams that the FBI investigates and tips to help prevent you from being victimized. Visit our White-Collar Crime and Cyber webpages for more fraud schemes.
To report cases of fraud, use our online tips form or contact your nearest FBI office or overseas office.
Telemarketing Fraud"
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To report cases of fraud, use our online tips form or contact your nearest FBI office or overseas office.
Telemarketing Fraud"
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Toll Road Blocked in Wage Dispute | The Jakarta Globe
Toll Road Blocked in Wage Dispute | The Jakarta Globe: "n a heated dispute over minimum wages, thousands of Bekasi workers blocked the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road after noon prayers on Friday to protest a court ruling in favor of their employers.
The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) has successfully challenged a West Java gubernatorial decree that raised the minimum monthly wage in Bekasi district from Rp 1.29 million to Rp 1.49 million ($144 to $167) at the Bandung State Administrative Court.
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The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) has successfully challenged a West Java gubernatorial decree that raised the minimum monthly wage in Bekasi district from Rp 1.29 million to Rp 1.49 million ($144 to $167) at the Bandung State Administrative Court.
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Newsvine - Grief, mental illness and psychiatry's sad refrain « Mind Hacks
Newsvine - Grief, mental illness and psychiatry's sad refrain « Mind Hacks: "It concerns me that any emotion besides happy is not ok nowadays. When I was watching the NBC News broadcast for yesterday and saw they are considering labeling grief as a label for the DSMI I was really disturbed. The only time I could see intervention being needed with grief is if the sufferer was going to hurt themselves or others. Grief is a normal process, a necessary process! "
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Newsvine - health
Newsvine - health: "Business and social media leaders teamed up Friday to tackle the transmission of HIV from mothers to babies, saying the medicine and the money are largely in place, and with the right organizational skills they can eliminate HIV-infected births by 2015. "
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Ship strikes Kentucky bridge, portion collapses - US news - Life -
Ship strikes Kentucky bridge, portion collapses - US news - Life - "BENTON, Ky. — State officials are inspecting what's left of a southwestern Kentucky bridge that collapsed after a cargo ship carrying aviation parts struck it.
Only on
Gingrich funder brings additional baggage
The twisty road to US-Pakistan re-engagement
Sources: No rescue planned for kidnapped American
School bans Locks of Love teen for too-long hair
Spinner of romantic lies, 'Rockefeller' set for murder trial
'Frankenware': When a virus infects a virus
Romney solidified after latest debate
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet spokesman Chuck Wolfe says inspectors began the in-depth review of the Eggner Ferry Bridge at daylight Friday.
The Delta Mariner cargo ship struck the span Thursday evening. No injuries were reported. Officials were unable to say where the ship was traveling when it struck the bridge.
They said the collapse meant vehicles needing to cross the Kentucky Lake reservoir and the Tennessee River had to be detoured for dozens of miles."
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Only on
Gingrich funder brings additional baggage
The twisty road to US-Pakistan re-engagement
Sources: No rescue planned for kidnapped American
School bans Locks of Love teen for too-long hair
Spinner of romantic lies, 'Rockefeller' set for murder trial
'Frankenware': When a virus infects a virus
Romney solidified after latest debate
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet spokesman Chuck Wolfe says inspectors began the in-depth review of the Eggner Ferry Bridge at daylight Friday.
The Delta Mariner cargo ship struck the span Thursday evening. No injuries were reported. Officials were unable to say where the ship was traveling when it struck the bridge.
They said the collapse meant vehicles needing to cross the Kentucky Lake reservoir and the Tennessee River had to be detoured for dozens of miles."
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Newsvine - Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience
Newsvine - Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience: "'...there is reason to believe that strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world.
"Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order," Hodson said, explaining why these beliefs might draw those with low intelligence. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice.""
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"Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order," Hodson said, explaining why these beliefs might draw those with low intelligence. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice.""
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Two more ex-Walker aides charged in investigation
Two more ex-Walker aides charged in investigation: "MADISON — Two more former aides to Gov. Scott Walker have been charged with crimes linked to political fundraising while working on county time in the ongoing John Doe investigation.
Both worked for Walker while he was serving as Milwaukee County Executive, and both are accused of fundraising activities while at their taxpayer-funded day jobs.
Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm said Thursday that Kelly Rindfleisch, the former deputy chief of staff for Walker, also worked as a fundraiser for then lieutenant governor candidate Brett Davis. She is charged with four felony counts of misconduct in public office.
Prosecutors say Rindfleisch spent "significant time" doing political campaign work while working in the county executive’s office."
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Both worked for Walker while he was serving as Milwaukee County Executive, and both are accused of fundraising activities while at their taxpayer-funded day jobs.
Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm said Thursday that Kelly Rindfleisch, the former deputy chief of staff for Walker, also worked as a fundraiser for then lieutenant governor candidate Brett Davis. She is charged with four felony counts of misconduct in public office.
Prosecutors say Rindfleisch spent "significant time" doing political campaign work while working in the county executive’s office."
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Mosques in Indonesia's Govt Buildings Propagating Radicalism -
Mosques in Indonesia's Govt Buildings Propagating Radicalism - "JAKARTA, - Mosques located in state-owned buildings are now being used to propagate radical or hardline teachings that sow the seeds of terrorism, the chief of Indonesia’s terrorism handling agency said.
"Preachers and religious classes in those mosques now pass on radical teachings to their audiences and this is happening because moderate ulema are no longer there," Arsyaad Mbai, head of the National Terrorism Eradication Agency (BNPT) said here Wednesday,
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"Preachers and religious classes in those mosques now pass on radical teachings to their audiences and this is happening because moderate ulema are no longer there," Arsyaad Mbai, head of the National Terrorism Eradication Agency (BNPT) said here Wednesday,
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Vita, Si Bintang Iklan Cilik Ditemukan di Papua -
Vita, Si Bintang Iklan Cilik Ditemukan di Papua - "JAKARTA, - Setelah hampir tiga minggu menghilang, Ruspitasari Siahaan atau Vita (13), akhirnya ditemukan juga. Vita ditemukan hari ini, Kamis (26/1/2012) malam di Sorong, Papua.
Saat ini Vita masih berada di Sorong bersama tim Resmob Polda Metro Jaya. Kabar ditemukannya Vita ini diterima keluarganya pada pukul 19.30 WIB. "Saya dapat telepon dari Resmob Polda Metro yang sekarang masih di Sorong sekitar setengah jam lalu. Katanya, Vita s"
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Saat ini Vita masih berada di Sorong bersama tim Resmob Polda Metro Jaya. Kabar ditemukannya Vita ini diterima keluarganya pada pukul 19.30 WIB. "Saya dapat telepon dari Resmob Polda Metro yang sekarang masih di Sorong sekitar setengah jam lalu. Katanya, Vita s"
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China says EU ban on Iran oil not constructive | Reuters
China says EU ban on Iran oil not constructive | Reuters: "(Reuters) - China on Thursday criticized the European Union for banning oil imports from Iran, Beijing's third biggest crude supplier and a major trading partner.
The European Union agreed on Monday to ban imports of oil from Iran and imposed a number of other economic sanctions, joining the United States in a new round of measures aimed at pushing Iran into reining in its "
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The European Union agreed on Monday to ban imports of oil from Iran and imposed a number of other economic sanctions, joining the United States in a new round of measures aimed at pushing Iran into reining in its "
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Iran devalues in bid to stop rial slide | Reuters
Iran devalues in bid to stop rial slide | Reuters: "(Reuters) - Iran announced an 8 percent devaluation of the rial on Thursday and said it would enforce a single exchange rate, aiming to stamp out a black market where dollars have soared due to fears over new sanctions imposed by the West.
"I announce it right here at 12,260 rials (to the dollar)," Central Bank Governor Mahmoud Bahmani told state television.
"This new price will go into effect starting Saturday in all banking outlets and all banking transactions will be calculated on the basis of this new rate," he told Channel 1.
The bank's reference rate, posted on its website on Thursday, was 11,296 rials to the dollar."
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"I announce it right here at 12,260 rials (to the dollar)," Central Bank Governor Mahmoud Bahmani told state television.
"This new price will go into effect starting Saturday in all banking outlets and all banking transactions will be calculated on the basis of this new rate," he told Channel 1.
The bank's reference rate, posted on its website on Thursday, was 11,296 rials to the dollar."
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FEUI tunggu proses hukum Miranda -
FEUI tunggu proses hukum Miranda - "Depok (ANTARA News) - Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia (FEUI) Firmanzah menegaskan bahwa pihaknya masih menunggu proses hukum Miranda Swaray Gultom di Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), terkait statusnya sebagai guru besar di fakultas tersebut.
"Kami menunggu untuk menghormati proses hukum yang terjadi di KPK," kata Firmanzah di Depok, Jabar, Kamis.
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) resmi menetapkan Miranda Gultom sebagai tersangka baru kasus dugaan suap dalam pemilihan dirinya sebagai Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia periode 2004."
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"Kami menunggu untuk menghormati proses hukum yang terjadi di KPK," kata Firmanzah di Depok, Jabar, Kamis.
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) resmi menetapkan Miranda Gultom sebagai tersangka baru kasus dugaan suap dalam pemilihan dirinya sebagai Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia periode 2004."
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Eksekusi lahan Antam tidak berlandaskan hukum -
Eksekusi lahan Antam tidak berlandaskan hukum - "Kendari (ANTARA News) - Kuasa hukum PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk., Todung Mulya Lubis, mengatakan bahwa kegiatan eksekusi lahan milik kliennya yang dilakukan oleh Bupati Konawe Utara, Aswad Sulaeman, tidak berlandaskan hukum.
Todung Mulya Lubis dalam siaran persnya yang diterima oleh ANTARA Kendari dari Kantor Hukum Lubis, Santosa, dan Maulana (LSM), Selasa, menyayangkan tindakan Bupati Aswad Sulaeman yang memerintahkan pengosongan wilayah operasi pertambangan di Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara."
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Todung Mulya Lubis dalam siaran persnya yang diterima oleh ANTARA Kendari dari Kantor Hukum Lubis, Santosa, dan Maulana (LSM), Selasa, menyayangkan tindakan Bupati Aswad Sulaeman yang memerintahkan pengosongan wilayah operasi pertambangan di Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara."
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KSAU : delapan pesawat tempur akan lengkapi alutsista -
KSAU : delapan pesawat tempur akan lengkapi alutsista - "Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Delapan pesawat tempur akan didatangkan dari Rusia dan Brasil dalam waktu dekat untuk melengkapi alat utama sistem persenjataan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara, kata Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat.
"Delapan pesawat tempur itu masing-masing terdiri atas empat pesawat Sukhoi dari Rusia, dan Super Tucano dari Brasil. Kedelapan pesawat tempur baru tersebut akan tiba di Indonesia pada 2012-2014," katanya di sela Rapat Pimpinan (Rapim) Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Angkatan Udara (AU) di Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) Yogyakarta, Kamis.
Menurut dia, untuk pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) tahap berikutnya, TNI AU hingga 2024 juga akan mendatangkan pesawat tempur Sukhoi enam unit, Super Tucano 16 unit, MK-53 dari Korea Selatan 16 unit, Fighting Falcon delapan unit, dan F-16 sebanyak 30 unit."
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"Delapan pesawat tempur itu masing-masing terdiri atas empat pesawat Sukhoi dari Rusia, dan Super Tucano dari Brasil. Kedelapan pesawat tempur baru tersebut akan tiba di Indonesia pada 2012-2014," katanya di sela Rapat Pimpinan (Rapim) Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Angkatan Udara (AU) di Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) Yogyakarta, Kamis.
Menurut dia, untuk pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) tahap berikutnya, TNI AU hingga 2024 juga akan mendatangkan pesawat tempur Sukhoi enam unit, Super Tucano 16 unit, MK-53 dari Korea Selatan 16 unit, Fighting Falcon delapan unit, dan F-16 sebanyak 30 unit."
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Jakarta's Psychics Sound Off on 2012 | The Jakarta Globe
Jakarta's Psychics Sound Off on 2012 | The Jakarta Globe: "Thousands of fireworks lit up Jakarta’s night skies on Sunday as millions of Chinese-Indonesians welcomed the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. This year’s sign — a legendary serpentine creature featured in numerous mythologies and folklore — is the most auspicious of those in the Chinese zodiac. People born under the sign of the Dragon are thought to be natural leaders blessed with fortune and fame.
Those born this lunar year — 2563 on the Chinese calendar — fall under the sign of the Water Dragon, a highly desirable astrological creature that promises to produce patient and passionate people.
Whether or not they believe in horoscopes, many people are still curious about the attributes of their sign and what it promises. The Jakarta Globe talked to four high-profile psychics in Jakarta and asked about their predictions for 2012. "
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Those born this lunar year — 2563 on the Chinese calendar — fall under the sign of the Water Dragon, a highly desirable astrological creature that promises to produce patient and passionate people.
Whether or not they believe in horoscopes, many people are still curious about the attributes of their sign and what it promises. The Jakarta Globe talked to four high-profile psychics in Jakarta and asked about their predictions for 2012. "
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Miranda Finally Named a Suspect | The Jakarta Globe
Miranda Finally Named a Suspect | The Jakarta Globe: "After a four-year investigation, 28 convictions and a long hunt for a key suspect, the woman whose 2004 appointment to Bank Indonesia was allegedly influenced by Rp 24 billion ($2.7 million) in traveler’s checks has finally been named a suspect.
“The evidence has been met so that we can now upgrade her status to a suspect,” Abraham Samad, the chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), said on Thursday.
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“The evidence has been met so that we can now upgrade her status to a suspect,” Abraham Samad, the chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), said on Thursday.
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The State Department warns Americans not to travel to certain zones –
The State Department warns Americans not to travel to certain zones – "s the dramatic rescue of an American teacher and a Danish man kidnapped by Somalis unfolded early Wednesday, American Warren Weinsten remained missing in Pakistan."
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Rescued Somalia hostages meet with their families –
Rescued Somalia hostages meet with their families – "PHOENIXVILLE, Pa. – Two hostages rescued in Somalia by U.S. special forces met with their families at a military base in Italy on Thursday as the husband of the American woman described her time spent in captivity as "three months of hell.""
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BBC News - US to cut almost 100,000 troops
BBC News - US to cut almost 100,000 troops: "The US will have a "smaller, leaner" military, Defence Secretary Leon Panetta says, with almost 100,000 US Army and Marine Corps troops cut.
Announcing plans to restructure the military, Mr Panetta said the US would retain the ability to defeat "any enemy on land" and boost special forces.
The Pentagon is facing cuts of $487bn (£310bn) over the next 10 years.
Over five years, 92,000 active duty Army and Marine Corps soldiers would be cut, with some bases closed, he said.
Mr Panetta said the US would continue purchases of F-35 jets, but will slow its purchase of the stealth fighter planes."
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Announcing plans to restructure the military, Mr Panetta said the US would retain the ability to defeat "any enemy on land" and boost special forces.
The Pentagon is facing cuts of $487bn (£310bn) over the next 10 years.
Over five years, 92,000 active duty Army and Marine Corps soldiers would be cut, with some bases closed, he said.
Mr Panetta said the US would continue purchases of F-35 jets, but will slow its purchase of the stealth fighter planes."
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Newsvine - Ariz. governor.: No disrespect meant toward Obama
Newsvine - Ariz. governor.: No disrespect meant toward Obama: "GLENDALE — Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says she meant no disrespect when she pointed a finger at President Barack Obama while talking on an airport tarmac.
But she says it was disrespectful toward her when he abruptly walked off Wednesday to shake spectators' hands.
Brewer and Obama had an intense discussion at the airport in Mesa, Arizona. Brewer was among dignitaries greeting Obama."
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But she says it was disrespectful toward her when he abruptly walked off Wednesday to shake spectators' hands.
Brewer and Obama had an intense discussion at the airport in Mesa, Arizona. Brewer was among dignitaries greeting Obama."
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Warga Bebaskan Paksa 53 Tahanan Lapas -
Warga Bebaskan Paksa 53 Tahanan Lapas - "MATARAM, - Sepuluh ribu lebih warga yang mengamuk dan membakar Kantor Bupati Bima, pada Kamis sore, juga membebaskan paksa 53 orang tahanan dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Raba, Kabupaten Bima.
Saksi mata mengatakan, massa itu mendatangi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Raba, Kabupaten Bima, dan meminta para tahanan titipan polisi terkait insiden berdarah di Pelabuhan Sape, 24 Desember 2011, dilepas saat itu juga.
"Massa mengancam jika tidak dilepas maka Lapas Raba Bima itu juga akan dibakar, sehingga petugas lapas memenuhi tuntutan tersebut, dan massa menyambut dengan kegembiraan," kata Didin, Kamis (26/1/2012), seorang saksi mata aksi massa tersebut."
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Saksi mata mengatakan, massa itu mendatangi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Raba, Kabupaten Bima, dan meminta para tahanan titipan polisi terkait insiden berdarah di Pelabuhan Sape, 24 Desember 2011, dilepas saat itu juga.
"Massa mengancam jika tidak dilepas maka Lapas Raba Bima itu juga akan dibakar, sehingga petugas lapas memenuhi tuntutan tersebut, dan massa menyambut dengan kegembiraan," kata Didin, Kamis (26/1/2012), seorang saksi mata aksi massa tersebut."
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Wow.. Pengemis Aja Pake Blackberry!
Wow.. Pengemis Aja Pake Blackberry!: "Siang tadi saat hendak mengunjungi ibu saya di kawasan Gandaria, ada pemandangan unik yang membuat saya tercengang.
Di kendaraan umum rute Ciputat - Tana Abang, naiklah seorang pengemis pria. Ia masih muda. Kondisinya lumayan memprihatinkan. Kakinya tinggal sebelah dan memakai tongkat.
Mungkin ada di antara anda yang pernah melihat pemuda ini bolak balik naik kendaraan umum. Dengan wajah memelas ia memohon belas kasihan para penumpang agar sedikit saja bersimpati terhadap kondisinya itu.
Ada beberapa penumpang yang iba dan memberinya uang recehan atau ribuan. Saat si pengemis ini berjalan tertatih dengan tongkatnya hingga sampai di pintu belakang, ia mengeluh kepada si kenek. Katanya sudah sebulan ini pemasukannya sedikit sekali."
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Di kendaraan umum rute Ciputat - Tana Abang, naiklah seorang pengemis pria. Ia masih muda. Kondisinya lumayan memprihatinkan. Kakinya tinggal sebelah dan memakai tongkat.
Mungkin ada di antara anda yang pernah melihat pemuda ini bolak balik naik kendaraan umum. Dengan wajah memelas ia memohon belas kasihan para penumpang agar sedikit saja bersimpati terhadap kondisinya itu.
Ada beberapa penumpang yang iba dan memberinya uang recehan atau ribuan. Saat si pengemis ini berjalan tertatih dengan tongkatnya hingga sampai di pintu belakang, ia mengeluh kepada si kenek. Katanya sudah sebulan ini pemasukannya sedikit sekali."
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Urinating cat, not fire, caused smoke in Pa. home
Urinating cat, not fire, caused smoke in Pa. home: "One western Pennsylvania fire department learned that there's not necessarily fire wherever there's smoke.
New Castle's assistant fire chief Jim Donston tells The Associated Press that firefighters were called when an electrical outlet on a floor was smoking, only to find that happened because the family's cat urinated into the outlet.
The New Castle News ( first reported the incident Friday and Donston supplied more details to the AP.
The assistant chief says a Columbia Gas worker was at the house checking for a possible leak when he noticed the smoking outlet and called the fire department Wednesday about 7:30 p.m.
Donston says firefighters "found the receptacle wet from cat urine" and shut off the electrical supply to that circuit.
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New Castle's assistant fire chief Jim Donston tells The Associated Press that firefighters were called when an electrical outlet on a floor was smoking, only to find that happened because the family's cat urinated into the outlet.
The New Castle News ( first reported the incident Friday and Donston supplied more details to the AP.
The assistant chief says a Columbia Gas worker was at the house checking for a possible leak when he noticed the smoking outlet and called the fire department Wednesday about 7:30 p.m.
Donston says firefighters "found the receptacle wet from cat urine" and shut off the electrical supply to that circuit.
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Google stirs up privacy hornet's nest - Computerworld
Google stirs up privacy hornet's nest - Computerworld: "Computerworld - Google has whipped up a privacy brouhaha with a blog post announcing that the company is rewriting its privacy policy, consolidating user information across its services.
What has the blogosphere and some users in an uproar is that Google isn't offering users an opt-out option. If you don't want your information from Gmail, YouTube and Google searches combined into one personal data store that can paint a detailed picture of you, the only option is to stop using Google's services.
There doesn't seem to be a way to keep u"
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What has the blogosphere and some users in an uproar is that Google isn't offering users an opt-out option. If you don't want your information from Gmail, YouTube and Google searches combined into one personal data store that can paint a detailed picture of you, the only option is to stop using Google's services.
There doesn't seem to be a way to keep u"
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Mengapa Harus Membakar Rumah?
Mengapa Harus Membakar Rumah?: "Lampung kembali membara….
Bentrok antar warga kembali terjadi di Sidomulyo
Sekitar 50 rumah DIBAKAR massa yang mengamuk"
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Bentrok antar warga kembali terjadi di Sidomulyo
Sekitar 50 rumah DIBAKAR massa yang mengamuk"
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Cikeas Bikin Kursi Anas Panas
Cikeas Bikin Kursi Anas Panas: "Setelah kencang berbulan-bulan jadi bulan-bulanan massa akibat dugaan kasus korupsi yang melibatkan para petinggi Partai Demokrat, akhirnya PD nampaknya memang bakal lemparkan handuk putih. Menyerah pada “tuntutan” (???) publik agar PD segera menuntaskan dugaan korupsi dipartainya. Bisa diartikan, menyerahkan Kursi panas milik Ketum PD pada siapa entah penggantinya. Tanda-tanda itu ditunjukkan dengan pertemuan yang dihadiri oleh para petinggi Partai Demokrat, minus Anas di Cikeas semalam. Meski banyak dibantah oleh para petinggi PD tentang kemungkinan mecopot Anas, tak urung berita pertemuan Cikeas itu menimbulkan spekulasi, PD akan merelakan Anas, jika yang bersangkutan ditetapkan KPK sebagai tersangka kasus Wisma Atlet. Hm……….
Tak perlu punya IQ tinggi untuk menyimpulkan sinyal lain tentang kemungkinan Anas dicopot sebagai ketum Partai Demokrat, cermati pernyataan ketua KPK, Abraham Samad, tadi siang berjanji lagi bahwa besok, tanggal 26 Januari akan mengumumkan tersangka baru kasus wisma Atlet."
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Tak perlu punya IQ tinggi untuk menyimpulkan sinyal lain tentang kemungkinan Anas dicopot sebagai ketum Partai Demokrat, cermati pernyataan ketua KPK, Abraham Samad, tadi siang berjanji lagi bahwa besok, tanggal 26 Januari akan mengumumkan tersangka baru kasus wisma Atlet."
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Newsvine - A daring raid, and US, Danish hostages on way home
Newsvine - A daring raid, and US, Danish hostages on way home: "MOGADISHU — Held captive since last fall, an ailing American woman and a Danish man will soon be safely on their way home after a bold, dark-of-night rescue by U.S. Navy SEALs. The commandos slipped into a Somali encampment, shot and killed nine captors and whisked the hostages to freedom."
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Guru Dapat Membantu Anak-anak Keluar dari Kemiskinan
Guru Dapat Membantu Anak-anak Keluar dari Kemiskinan: "Di Bawah Naungan Langit Yang Indah, 26 Januari 2012
Dalam perjalanan saya ke daerah-daerah di Indonesia, saya melihat betapa guru-guru baik yang tetap maupun yang sementara, atau sukarelawan berusaha dengan kuat membantu anak anak di daerah nya belajar.
Pengakuan salah satu guru, mengatakan dengan tegas dan penuh pengadian, bahwa mereka hanya di berikan honor Rp.250.ribu sebulan, atau 25 USD. Bahkan kadang honor nya terlambat karena daerah dan kemacetan pengiriman dana dari pusat. Tetapi mereka tetap tegar dan terus tetap tentu mengajar.
Sampai saat saya bertanya apa yang perlu di bantu, mereka hanya mengatakan anak anak yang perlu di bantu, kami kami ini hanya meminta doa. Mereka menginginkan tool, dan prasarana yang nyata untuk sekolah dan anak anak dengan demikian sekolah semakin semarak dan maju. Dan juga keadaan yang damai serta keadaan yang stabil."
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Dalam perjalanan saya ke daerah-daerah di Indonesia, saya melihat betapa guru-guru baik yang tetap maupun yang sementara, atau sukarelawan berusaha dengan kuat membantu anak anak di daerah nya belajar.
Pengakuan salah satu guru, mengatakan dengan tegas dan penuh pengadian, bahwa mereka hanya di berikan honor Rp.250.ribu sebulan, atau 25 USD. Bahkan kadang honor nya terlambat karena daerah dan kemacetan pengiriman dana dari pusat. Tetapi mereka tetap tegar dan terus tetap tentu mengajar.
Sampai saat saya bertanya apa yang perlu di bantu, mereka hanya mengatakan anak anak yang perlu di bantu, kami kami ini hanya meminta doa. Mereka menginginkan tool, dan prasarana yang nyata untuk sekolah dan anak anak dengan demikian sekolah semakin semarak dan maju. Dan juga keadaan yang damai serta keadaan yang stabil."
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Non-Violent Legal Revolution
Non-Violent Legal Revolution: "Non-Violent Legal Revolution To Protect Citizen Legal Right
Di Bawah Naungan Langit yang Mendung, 26 Januari 2012
“I am can not do everything, but I am, “Öne”, I can do something, and I will do one thing that I can do.”
Dalam tulisan saya hampir setahun yang lalu, mengenai perlunya di perjuangkan dan di advokasi kan mengenai hak seorang warga negara dalam menghadapi hukum.
Dengan prinsip bahwa semua warga adalah memiliki hak dan kewajiban. Demikian seandai nya mengahdapi tuduhan dan pertanyaan dari penegak hukum. Kita semua perlu tahu kapan kita dengan suka rela memberikan informasi, atau tidak. Di mana kadang kebaikan hati kita dengan suka rela membuat kita menjadi tertuduh."
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Di Bawah Naungan Langit yang Mendung, 26 Januari 2012
“I am can not do everything, but I am, “Öne”, I can do something, and I will do one thing that I can do.”
Dalam tulisan saya hampir setahun yang lalu, mengenai perlunya di perjuangkan dan di advokasi kan mengenai hak seorang warga negara dalam menghadapi hukum.
Dengan prinsip bahwa semua warga adalah memiliki hak dan kewajiban. Demikian seandai nya mengahdapi tuduhan dan pertanyaan dari penegak hukum. Kita semua perlu tahu kapan kita dengan suka rela memberikan informasi, atau tidak. Di mana kadang kebaikan hati kita dengan suka rela membuat kita menjadi tertuduh."
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Kasus Megaupload: AS Bisa Menjadi Pusat Hukum Global?
Kasus Megaupload: AS Bisa Menjadi Pusat Hukum Global?: "Bukan dongeng jika perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi mampu “menghilangkan” batas-batas negara nasional (nation-state). Internet, misalnya, sudah menjadi instrumen nyata yang menyulap dunia sbg sebuah “global village” dimana antara negara yang satu dengan negara lain seakan menjadi tak bersekat (borderless). Masyarakat dari berbagai negara seakan menjadi satu bangsa; dan internet menjadi “negaranya.”
Umumnya sebuah negara, maka di internet pun terdapat hukum-hukum atau aturan-aturan yang harus dipatuhi. Jika tidak akan terkena sanksi. Dan sanksi tersebut bisa sangat konkret menuju pengadilan. Loh, pengadilan siapa dan dimana? Siapa menghukum siapa? Tahukah Anda, ternyata Amerika bisa saja menghukum warga Indonesia yg ada di Indonesia!"
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Umumnya sebuah negara, maka di internet pun terdapat hukum-hukum atau aturan-aturan yang harus dipatuhi. Jika tidak akan terkena sanksi. Dan sanksi tersebut bisa sangat konkret menuju pengadilan. Loh, pengadilan siapa dan dimana? Siapa menghukum siapa? Tahukah Anda, ternyata Amerika bisa saja menghukum warga Indonesia yg ada di Indonesia!"
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Larangan Berpergian Pejabat oleh Walikota Medan
Larangan Berpergian Pejabat oleh Walikota Medan: "Baru-baru ini wali kota Medan yaitu Rahudman Harahap mencanangkan sebuah wacana tentang pembatasan pejabat-pejabat kota medan untuk tidak terlalu sering bepergian ke luar kota sebagai gambaran dan bentuk sebuah efisiensi. Hal itu dilakukan untuk meminimalisir ‘working error’ dalam pekerjaannya dan demi meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat. Demi menjalankan progam itu, beliau telah menginstruksikan kepada Sekretaris Daerah Kota Medan yaitu Syaiful Bahri untuk melarang pejabat yang bepergian ke luar kota tanpa alasan-alasan yang jelas. Dalam hal ini tentunya sekretaris daerah akan bertindak selektif dalam mengeluarkan ijin bagi pejabat daerah yang hendak keluar kota. Tentunya bila alasan berpergianya bermanfaat dan terdapat kepentingan umum yang mengikutinya maka ijin pergi akan keluar tetapi apabila sebaliknya bila ijin mereka tidak jelas arah tujuannya secara otomatis ijin pergi tidak akan keluar."
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Memutus Mata Rantai Penyebaran HIV/AIDS di Tanah Papua
Memutus Mata Rantai Penyebaran HIV/AIDS di Tanah Papua: "* Mencegah Penyebaran HIV tanpa Menghilangkan ‘Hak’ Kepala Kampung atau Kepala Suku
Ada kabar tentang beberapa kepala kampung di wilayah kabupaten di kawasan Pegunungan Tengah yang mengidap HIV/AIDS. “Itu memang benar, tetapi saya juga belum tahu persis data pastinya,” aku Sekretaris KPA Provinsi Papua H Sudjarwo, BE (Ditenggarai Sejumlah Kepala Kampung Terinfeksi HIV,, 21/1-2012).
Mengapa kasus HIV/AIDS pada kepala kampung di Papua itu menjadi persoalan? Soalnya, infeksi HIV ’kan tidak berbeda pada rakyat, pejabat, pemuka agama, pemuka masyarakat, wartawan, tentara, polisi, perampok, dll.
Kasus kumulatif HIV/AIDS di Tanah Papua sudah merata di semua kalangan. Di Prov Papua, misalnya, sudah terdeteksi 10.000-an kasus HIV/AIDS. Angka ini tentu saja tidak menggambarkan kasus yang sebenarnya di masyarakat."
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Ada kabar tentang beberapa kepala kampung di wilayah kabupaten di kawasan Pegunungan Tengah yang mengidap HIV/AIDS. “Itu memang benar, tetapi saya juga belum tahu persis data pastinya,” aku Sekretaris KPA Provinsi Papua H Sudjarwo, BE (Ditenggarai Sejumlah Kepala Kampung Terinfeksi HIV,, 21/1-2012).
Mengapa kasus HIV/AIDS pada kepala kampung di Papua itu menjadi persoalan? Soalnya, infeksi HIV ’kan tidak berbeda pada rakyat, pejabat, pemuka agama, pemuka masyarakat, wartawan, tentara, polisi, perampok, dll.
Kasus kumulatif HIV/AIDS di Tanah Papua sudah merata di semua kalangan. Di Prov Papua, misalnya, sudah terdeteksi 10.000-an kasus HIV/AIDS. Angka ini tentu saja tidak menggambarkan kasus yang sebenarnya di masyarakat."
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World News - US: American's weak health led to Somali rescue
World News - US: American's weak health led to Somali rescue: "WASHINGTON -- As two aid workers freed by a Navy SEAL team flew out of Somalia to be reunited with family, details emerged about the rescue operation that the Pentagon says left nine captors dead.
Vice President Joe Biden told NBC's "TODAY" show that the U.S. decided to stage the rescue because of concerns that the health of American Jessica Buchanan "was beginning to decline."
"We wanted to act," Biden said.
Buchanan, 32, and Dane Poul Thisted, 60, were kidnapped on Oct. 25, and then held for ransom. They both work for the nonprofit Danish Demining Group and had just finished training Somalis on how to clear mines when they were captured."
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Vice President Joe Biden told NBC's "TODAY" show that the U.S. decided to stage the rescue because of concerns that the health of American Jessica Buchanan "was beginning to decline."
"We wanted to act," Biden said.
Buchanan, 32, and Dane Poul Thisted, 60, were kidnapped on Oct. 25, and then held for ransom. They both work for the nonprofit Danish Demining Group and had just finished training Somalis on how to clear mines when they were captured."
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Newsvine - Virginia girl found eating herself in cage in mobile home; parents Brian and Shannon Gore charged
Newsvine - Virginia girl found eating herself in cage in mobile home; parents Brian and Shannon Gore charged: "A young girl was found caged and attempting to eat herself in a mobile home in Virginia and cops say her parents are responsible.
The malnourished girl, believed to be either 5 or 6, was discovered in a crib that was converted into a makeshift cage after police arrived at the home in Gloucester County to investigate a burglary last week.
The girl's parents, Brian and Shannon Gore, were arrested and charged with felony child abuse. The mother was also charged with attempted capital murder."
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The malnourished girl, believed to be either 5 or 6, was discovered in a crib that was converted into a makeshift cage after police arrived at the home in Gloucester County to investigate a burglary last week.
The girl's parents, Brian and Shannon Gore, were arrested and charged with felony child abuse. The mother was also charged with attempted capital murder."
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SEALs free U.S., Dane hostages in Somalia - CBS News
SEALs free U.S., Dane hostages in Somalia - CBS News: "MOGADISHU, Somalia - The same U.S. Navy SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden parachuted into Somalia under cover of darkness early Wednesday and crept up to an outdoor camp where an American woman and Danish man were being held hostage. Soon, nine kidnappers were dead and both hostages were freed.
President Obama authorized the mission two days earlier, and minutes after he gave his State of the Union address to Congress he was on the phone with the American's father to tell him his daughter was safe.
Mr. Obama referred to the mission before delivering the address. As he entered the House chamber in the U.S. Capitol, he pointed at Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in the crowd and said, "Good job tonight."
U.S. officials confirmed to CBS News national security correspondent David Martin that members of SEAL Team Six -- the same unit that killed Osama bin Laden last year -- parachuted into Somalia and were engaged in a firefight as they neared the pirates' compound in Adado."
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President Obama authorized the mission two days earlier, and minutes after he gave his State of the Union address to Congress he was on the phone with the American's father to tell him his daughter was safe.
Mr. Obama referred to the mission before delivering the address. As he entered the House chamber in the U.S. Capitol, he pointed at Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in the crowd and said, "Good job tonight."
U.S. officials confirmed to CBS News national security correspondent David Martin that members of SEAL Team Six -- the same unit that killed Osama bin Laden last year -- parachuted into Somalia and were engaged in a firefight as they neared the pirates' compound in Adado."
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Gadis Hitam Indonesia, Menginap di Kolong Jembatan
Gadis Hitam Indonesia, Menginap di Kolong Jembatan: "Saya sangat kaget melihat ada seorang gadis manis hitam Indonesia, mau menginap di bawah kolong jembatan. Sampai saya merasa sangat senang sekali dan terharu masih ada gadis Indonesia yang baik hati dan cerdas, serta mapan mau maunya tidur di bawah kolong jembatan.
Sungguh bahagia sekali saya melihat nya, sayang nya saya tidak di izinkan menyebut namanya yang asli serta menayangkan fotonya.
Memang Indonesia ini penuh dengan segala macam ragam keindahan dan kekayaan, bahkan gadis mapan ini mau sekali tidur di kolong jembatan. Padahal sebagai gadis keturunan bangsa yang kaya raya, dan negara penghasil emas, tambang minyak, serta kekayaan alam yang berlimpah tentunya beliau, sebut saja namanya Anisa, bisa saja memilih untuk tidur di Istana Milik Rakyatnya, atau di Gedung DPR yang Megah yang sedang di renovasi, katanya harga WC nya saja 2 Milyar, dan kursi nya import dari Jerman seharga 25 juta per kursi. Belum lagi yang lain-lainya.
Ini menunjukan betapa memang Anisa sebagai gadis yang mapan dan kaya raya bisa saja tidur di hotel berbintang 5 yang bertaburan di Jakarta."
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Sungguh bahagia sekali saya melihat nya, sayang nya saya tidak di izinkan menyebut namanya yang asli serta menayangkan fotonya.
Memang Indonesia ini penuh dengan segala macam ragam keindahan dan kekayaan, bahkan gadis mapan ini mau sekali tidur di kolong jembatan. Padahal sebagai gadis keturunan bangsa yang kaya raya, dan negara penghasil emas, tambang minyak, serta kekayaan alam yang berlimpah tentunya beliau, sebut saja namanya Anisa, bisa saja memilih untuk tidur di Istana Milik Rakyatnya, atau di Gedung DPR yang Megah yang sedang di renovasi, katanya harga WC nya saja 2 Milyar, dan kursi nya import dari Jerman seharga 25 juta per kursi. Belum lagi yang lain-lainya.
Ini menunjukan betapa memang Anisa sebagai gadis yang mapan dan kaya raya bisa saja tidur di hotel berbintang 5 yang bertaburan di Jakarta."
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U.S. military forces helicoptered into Somalia and freed two hostages –
U.S. military forces helicoptered into Somalia and freed two hostages – ""They (the family) were very happy and incredibly relieved that it is over," she said.
The two aid workers appear to have been kidnapped by criminals — sometimes referred to as pirates — and not by Somalia's al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. As large ships at sea have increased their defenses against pirate attacks, gangs have looked for other money making opportunities like land-based kidnappings.
The Danish Refugee Council had earlier enlisted traditional Somali elders and members of civil society to seek the release of the two hostages.
"We are really happy with the successful release of the innocents kidnapped by evildoers," said Mohamud Sahal, an elder in Galkayo town, by phone. "They were guests who were treated brutally. That was against Islam and our culture. … These men (pirates) have spoiled our good customs and culture, so Somalis should fight back."
Buchanan and Hagen Thisted were seized in October from the portion of Galkayo town under the control of a government-allied clan militia. The aid agency has said that Somalis held demonstrations demanding the pair's quick release."
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The two aid workers appear to have been kidnapped by criminals — sometimes referred to as pirates — and not by Somalia's al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. As large ships at sea have increased their defenses against pirate attacks, gangs have looked for other money making opportunities like land-based kidnappings.
The Danish Refugee Council had earlier enlisted traditional Somali elders and members of civil society to seek the release of the two hostages.
"We are really happy with the successful release of the innocents kidnapped by evildoers," said Mohamud Sahal, an elder in Galkayo town, by phone. "They were guests who were treated brutally. That was against Islam and our culture. … These men (pirates) have spoiled our good customs and culture, so Somalis should fight back."
Buchanan and Hagen Thisted were seized in October from the portion of Galkayo town under the control of a government-allied clan militia. The aid agency has said that Somalis held demonstrations demanding the pair's quick release."
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U.S. military forces helicoptered into Somalia and freed two hostages –
U.S. military forces helicoptered into Somalia and freed two hostages – "MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) – U.S. Special Forces troops flew into Somalia on a nighttime helicopter raid early Wednesday, freed an American and a Danish hostage and killed nine pirates in a mission that President Obama said he personally authorized."
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China leader-in-waiting Xi to visit White House next month | Reuters
China leader-in-waiting Xi to visit White House next month | Reuters: "(Reuters) - President Barack Obama will host China's likely next leader, Vice President Xi Jinping, at the White House on February 14, in a visit set to boost Xi's credentials as the man who will steer Beijing's close but quarrelsome ties with Washington.
Obama and Xi will discuss "a broad range of bilateral, regional, and global issues," the White House said in a statement on Monday announcing the visit, when Xi will be hosted by Vice President Joe Biden."
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Obama and Xi will discuss "a broad range of bilateral, regional, and global issues," the White House said in a statement on Monday announcing the visit, when Xi will be hosted by Vice President Joe Biden."
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Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S. -
Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S. - "BY TOM FOWLER
Federal forecasters are expected to confirm on Monday what the energy industry already knows: Oil production is surging in the U.S.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.
The forecast will include new production data from developing oil fields, including the Bakken shale area in North Dakota, which could hold as much of 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil. North Dakota's output of oil and related liquids ..."
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Federal forecasters are expected to confirm on Monday what the energy industry already knows: Oil production is surging in the U.S.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.
The forecast will include new production data from developing oil fields, including the Bakken shale area in North Dakota, which could hold as much of 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil. North Dakota's output of oil and related liquids ..."
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Recap: A Subdued Republican Debate in Tampa - Washington Wire - WSJ
Recap: A Subdued Republican Debate in Tampa - Washington Wire - WSJ: "The first debate since Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina GOP primary after a series of high-octane debate moments saw a subdued Mr. Gingrich trying to take the tone of a front-runner. He went after Mitt Romney, but often sought to brush off attacks as misinformation.
Getty Images
Mitt Romney (front-L) and Newt Gingrich shake hands as Rick Santorum (L) and Ron Paul look on at the end of the Republican presidential debate in Tampa, Fla., Monday, Jan 23, 2012. (Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images)
Mr. Romney, for his part, showed he is more than willing to go after his latest rival, though his lines of attack seemed at times to be fuzzy. He did, however, get Mr. Gingrich to acknowledge that he got advice on lobbying. “We brought in an expert on lobbying law and trained all of our staff and had experts prepared to testify that he was brought in to say here is the bright line between what you can do as a citizen and what you do as a lobbyist,” Mr. Gingrich said."
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Getty Images
Mitt Romney (front-L) and Newt Gingrich shake hands as Rick Santorum (L) and Ron Paul look on at the end of the Republican presidential debate in Tampa, Fla., Monday, Jan 23, 2012. (Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images)
Mr. Romney, for his part, showed he is more than willing to go after his latest rival, though his lines of attack seemed at times to be fuzzy. He did, however, get Mr. Gingrich to acknowledge that he got advice on lobbying. “We brought in an expert on lobbying law and trained all of our staff and had experts prepared to testify that he was brought in to say here is the bright line between what you can do as a citizen and what you do as a lobbyist,” Mr. Gingrich said."
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Scott Paterno says Joe Paterno was upbeat in final days, fought to end - ESPN
Scott Paterno says Joe Paterno was upbeat in final days, fought to end - ESPN: "STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- Joe Paterno's son says that as recently as last Wednesday his father was anxious to leave the hospital and start planning a vacation with his wife, Sue."
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Euro gains evaporate after Greek setback | Reuters
Euro gains evaporate after Greek setback | Reuters: "(Reuters) - The euro descended from a three-week peak against the dollar in Asia on Tuesday after euro zone finance ministers rejected an offer by private creditors to restructure Greek debt, keeping alive fears of a default.
The euro slipped as low as $1.2988 before steadying at $1.2995. On Monday, it jumped more than 1 percent to a high of $1.3053 on the EBS trading platform as hopes of an eventual Greek deal drove a wave of short-covering."
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The euro slipped as low as $1.2988 before steadying at $1.2995. On Monday, it jumped more than 1 percent to a high of $1.3053 on the EBS trading platform as hopes of an eventual Greek deal drove a wave of short-covering."
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Obama to tout natural gas benefits in State of Union | Reuters
Obama to tout natural gas benefits in State of Union | Reuters: "(Reuters) - President Barack Obama will encourage the country's booming natural gas output in his State of the Union address on Tuesday, while defending his administration's energy record, according to sources familiar with the matter."
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'I work for one of the 10 Best Companies' - Google (1) - FORTUNE
'I work for one of the 10 Best Companies' - Google (1) - FORTUNE: "Google's famous for its perks -- free gourmet food in the cafeteria, an on-campus climbing wall -- but some of the best offerings at the company depend on its employees' creativity. Take its 20% time, for example. Google employees are encouraged to devote 20% of their work hours to a project within the company but outside of their core area. "
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Best Companies 2012 - FORTUNE Magazine's Top 100 Employers to Work For
Best Companies 2012 - FORTUNE Magazine's Top 100 Employers to Work For: "And the winners are...
Fat paychecks, sweet perks, fun colleagues, and over 70,000 jobs ready to be filled -- these employers offer dream workplaces. Like Google, which reclaims the top spot this year to become a three-time champion. Meet this year's top 100, network with the winners on LinkedIn, and more. More"
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Fat paychecks, sweet perks, fun colleagues, and over 70,000 jobs ready to be filled -- these employers offer dream workplaces. Like Google, which reclaims the top spot this year to become a three-time champion. Meet this year's top 100, network with the winners on LinkedIn, and more. More"
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Google - Best Companies to Work For 2012 - Fortune
Google - Best Companies to Work For 2012 - Fortune: "What makes it so great?
Everything was up at Google last year -- revenue, profits, share price, paid search clicks, hiring -- and so, too, was employee love; the search giant climbed three slots in our ranking to reclaim the top spot.
The reason? Employees rave about their mission, the culture, and the famous perks of the Plex: bocce courts, a bowling alley, eyebrow shaping (for a fee) in the New York office. Then there's the food: some 25 cafés companywide, all gratis.
Wrote one Googler: "Employees are never more than 150 feet away from a well-stocked pantry."
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
2010 revenue ($ millions): 29,321
Website: "
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Everything was up at Google last year -- revenue, profits, share price, paid search clicks, hiring -- and so, too, was employee love; the search giant climbed three slots in our ranking to reclaim the top spot.
The reason? Employees rave about their mission, the culture, and the famous perks of the Plex: bocce courts, a bowling alley, eyebrow shaping (for a fee) in the New York office. Then there's the food: some 25 cafés companywide, all gratis.
Wrote one Googler: "Employees are never more than 150 feet away from a well-stocked pantry."
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
2010 revenue ($ millions): 29,321
Website: "
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