FBI — Criminal Background Check

FBI — Criminal Background Check: "An FBI Identification Record—often referred to as a criminal history record or a “rap sheet”—is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment, naturalization, or military service. The process of responding to an Identification Record request is generally known as a criminal background check. If the fingerprints are related to an arrest, the Identification Record includes name of the agency that submitted the fingerprints to the FBI, the date of the arrest, the arrest charge, and the disposition of the arrest, if known to the FBI. All arrest data included in an Identification Record is obtained from fingerprint submissions, disposition reports, and other information submitted by agencies having criminal justice responsibilities."

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Johny Abbas Bebas, Hakim Djoko Sarwoko Diperiksa : Poskota News

Johny Abbas Bebas, Hakim Djoko Sarwoko Diperiksa : Poskota News: "– Mantan hakim agung Djoko Sarwoko diperiksa oleh Komisi Yudisial (KY) terkait dugaan suap dalam putusan  Peninjauan Kembali (PK) Johnny Abbas dalam perkara penyelundupan 30 kontainer Blackberry (BB), Oktober 2012."

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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Review - SlashGear

Mitsubishi i-MiEV Review - SlashGear: "Electric cars generally settle into one of two camps: the outlandish, like Renault’s Twizy, or the discrete, like Nissan’s Note. The Mitsubishi i-MiEV, however, straddles both. Its “space jelly-bean” looks are certainly eye-catching, but they’re also borrowed wholesale from the regular gas-powered version available in Japan and Europe, rather than an EV flourish for its own sake. The i-MiEV is also one of the US’ cheapest EVs, though with prices starting at $21,625 (after tax incentives) it still commands a premium over more traditionally fuelled cars. Can the i-MiEV’s frugal charms win us over? Read on for the full SlashGear review."

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One person’s tweets leads to disastrous results - SlashGear

One person’s tweets leads to disastrous results - SlashGear: "However, Richards didn’t say “something” to the developers, but instead stated her opinions in the public land of Twitter. She decided that public shame would be the best route for the two developers behind her, so she snapped their pictures and tweeted, “Not cool. Jokes about forking repo’s in a sexual way and “big” dongles. Right behind me #pycon”. The two developers were escorted out of the conference, and one of the developers (the one on the left side of the picture) was fired from his position at PlayHaven." 'via Blog this'

Bin Laden's son-in-law pleads not guilty to terror charge in New York - U.S. News

Bin Laden's son-in-law pleads not guilty to terror charge in New York - U.S. News: "Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law pleaded not guilty Friday to a charge of plotting to kill Americans. Sulaiman Abu Ghaith entered the plea through his lawyer in New York federal court. A judge ordered him to appear in court again April 8. Ghaith warned in a video after the Sept. 11 attacks that “the storms shall not stop.” He was captured in the last month in Turkey and taken to New York in what will be one of the first prosecutions of senior al-Qaida leaders in the United States. Prosecutors said that he was also an al-Qaida spokesman."

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Unemployment rate drops to lowest in four years - Economy Watch on NBCNews.com

Unemployment rate drops to lowest in four years - Economy Watch on NBCNews.com: "Hiring accelerated in February as the nation's economy created a better-than-expected 236,000 jobs and the unemployment rate slipped to 7.7 percent, the lowest since December 2008, government data showed Friday."

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Mercedes-Benz reveals the G63 AMG 6×6, a six-wheel-drive luxo SUV | Motoramic - Yahoo! Autos

Mercedes-Benz reveals the G63 AMG 6×6, a six-wheel-drive luxo SUV | Motoramic - Yahoo! Autos: "The inevitable has happened. There are only so many possible permutations of a metal box on four wheels designed to go fast over any terrain, and from the Jeep Wrangler to the Range Rover, all of them have been explored in some degree with varying levels of ability and luxury. It was only a matter of time before a group of mad engineers gathered together and said "Screw it, let's go six-wheel-drive." Those engineers work for Mercedes-Benz, and this creation, the G63 AMG 6x6, isn't a concept, but a luxury SUV that the German automaker will build for a handful of wealthy customers."

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Warren Buffett: If he were Tim Cook, he'd be buying Apple - Apple 2.0 -Fortune Tech

Warren Buffett: If he were Tim Cook, he'd be buying Apple - Apple 2.0 -Fortune Tech: ""I would ignore him. I would run the business in such a manner as to create the most value over the next five to 10 years. You can't run a business to push the stock price up on a daily basis. Berkshire has gone down 50% four times in its history. When that happens, if you've got money you buy it. You just keep working on building the value."

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Warren Buffett on Berkshire’s ‘Subpar’ Year, Big Game Hunting, and Why He Loves Newspapers | TIME.com

Warren Buffett on Berkshire’s ‘Subpar’ Year, Big Game Hunting, and Why He Loves Newspapers | TIME.com: "Warren Buffett, America’s most famous investor, holds himself to a high standard. That’s why he described 2012, a year in which his conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway achieved a total gain for its shareholders of $24.1 billion, as “subpar.” As Buffett pointed out, for the ninth time in 48 years, Berkshire’s book value gain (14.4%) was less than the S&P’s gain (16%). This mea culpa of sorts kicks off Buffett’s annual letter, which was released on Friday. As usual, the document is required reading for anyone interested in investing, and features the Oracle of Omaha’s wry, homespun style."

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Mengunjungi Istana Abadi Sang Maestro Affandi

Mengunjungi Istana Abadi Sang Maestro Affandi: "Affandi, siapa tak pernah mendengar nama ini ?. Penikmat dan pengagum budaya Indonesia terutama yang menggemari karya lukis Nusantara pasti mengabadikan nama Affandi dalam benak dan pikiran mereka. Kiprah seorang Affandi telah mewarnai panggung lukis negeri ini selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Sosok dan karyanya juga telah menginspirasi banyak orang yang memandang kagum diri dan lukisannya. Bak masterpiece, goresan tangan pada setiap lembar kertas dan kanvas miliknya tak hanya mewarnai Indonesia, nama Affandi juga mendunia. Dan meski sosoknya telah tiada lebih dari 1 dekade lampau, kebesaran nama dan karyanya masih bisa dinikmati oleh Indonesia bahkan dunia." 'via Blog this'

Bakar Lobster di Sail Morotai Pecahkan Rekor MURI - KOMPAS.com

Bakar Lobster di Sail Morotai Pecahkan Rekor MURI - KOMPAS.com: "MOROTAI, KOMPAS.com - Pelaksanaan rangakaian acara Sail Morotai 2012 yakni bakar lobster terbanyak di Daruba Morotai, Maluku Utara memecahkan rekor Museum Republik Indonesia (MURI) dengan nomor 5.568/R.MURI/IX/2012. Kegiatan yang bertujuan mempromosikan potensi kelautan dan perikanan Pulau Morotai itu memecahkan rekor MURI karena jumlahnya yang banyak, yakni 2.012 ekor."

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Pulau Morotai, Jejak Sekutu dalam Perang Dunia II - KOMPAS.com

Pulau Morotai, Jejak Sekutu dalam Perang Dunia II - KOMPAS.com: "KOMPAS.com - Pulau Morotai terletak di utara Pulau Halmahera, Provinsi Maluku Utara. Pulau ini merupakan salah satu pulau paling utara di Indonesia. Kabupaten Pulau Morotai diresmikan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri, Mardiyanto, pada 29 Oktober 2008 sebagai hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Halmahera Utara."

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Pemkab Halmahera Tengah Kembangkan Wisata Pulau Gebe - KOMPAS.com

Pemkab Halmahera Tengah Kembangkan Wisata Pulau Gebe - KOMPAS.com: "TERNATE, KOMPAS.com - Pemerintah Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah, Maluku Utara (Malut), akan mengembangkan Pulau Gebe menjadi kawasan wisata bahari, dan diharapkan menjadi salah satu daya tarik bagi wisatawan berkunjung ke daerah itu. "Pemkab Halmahera Tengah mulai 2013 akan mengalokasikan anggaran untuk pengembangan Pulau Gebe menjadi kawasan wisata bahari, di antaranya untuk penataan dan pembangunan berbagai fasilitas penunjang," kata Bupati Halteng, Ali Yasin di Ternate, Sabtu (8/12/2012)."

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Widiana: Wisata Olahraga Laut Meningkat Pesat - KOMPAS.com

Widiana: Wisata Olahraga Laut Meningkat Pesat - KOMPAS.com: "JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Pengunjung wisata olahraga laut naik sebesar 200 persen menjelang libur Hari Raya Natal dan Tahun Baru 2013 dibandingkan hari-hari sebelumnya. "Peningkatannya luar biasa mendekati natal tahun ini, hampir mendekati 200 persen," kata pengusaha wisata laut, I Made Mandi Widiana pada seminar nasional "Regulasi dan Peluang Sport Tourism untuk Mengoptimalkan Wisata Daerah" di Wisma Antara, Jakarta, Jumat (21/12/2012)."

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Manyundak, Memanah Ikan ala Anak Loksado - KOMPAS.com

Manyundak, Memanah Ikan ala Anak Loksado - KOMPAS.com: "KOMPAS.com – Deras air yang jatuh seperti meluruhkan mimpi. Mimpi tentang masa kanak-kanak yang bahagia. Masa-masa saat dinginnya air sungai yang mengalir jernih adalah kawan karib yang menyenangkan."

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Berlatih Kleput, Sumpit khas Dayak - KOMPAS.com

Berlatih Kleput, Sumpit khas Dayak - KOMPAS.com: "KOMPAS.com - Lung Anai, sebuah desa budaya di kecamatan Loa Kulu, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur menjadi tempat persinggahan berikutnya bagi Ramon Y. Tungka dan tim Kampung Main, sebuah program yang tayang di Kompas TV. Butuh waktu lama untuk mencapai kawasan ini. Namun, perjalanan Ramon menembus hutan gambut, terbayar manis ketika bersua Pak Sidaris, seorang pelatih sumpit setempat. Dalam bahasa setempat, sumpit biasa disebut kleput. "

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Kleput, Alat Berburu yang Kini Dilombakan - KOMPAS.com

Kleput, Alat Berburu yang Kini Dilombakan - KOMPAS.com: "KOMPAS.com - Di masa lalu, berburu menjadi keseharian Suku Dayak Kenyah Lepoq Jalan, yang mendiami Desa Lung Anai, di kecamatan Loa Kulu, kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur.  Berbekal senjata tradisional, mereka mampu melumpuhkan hewan-hewan buruan seperti burung atau monyet. Senjata tradisional yang mereka gunakan adalah sumpit yang dalam bahasa setempat disebut kleput. Pada bagian depan kleput terdapat mata tombak yang disebut nyatap, yang berfungsi untuk mengantisipasi serangan hewan buruan. "

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Tapanuli Tengah Layak Jadi Lokasi Wisata Sejarah - KOMPAS.com

Tapanuli Tengah Layak Jadi Lokasi Wisata Sejarah - KOMPAS.com: "MEDAN, KOMPAS.com - Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah di Provinsi Sumatera Utara merupakan salah satu daerah yang layak menjadi lokasi wisata sejarah. Sebab daerah ini memiliki banyak situs bersejarah yang berusia ratusan tahun. “Banyak sekali, bahkan ribuan,” kata Ketua Pusat Studi Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Sejarah (PUSSIS) Universitas Negeri Medan Dr Ikhwan Azhari di Medan, Sabtu (19/1/2013). "

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"Bali and Beyond" Menarik Minat Pengunjung di Oslo - KOMPAS.com

"Bali and Beyond" Menarik Minat Pengunjung di Oslo - KOMPAS.com: "LONDON, KOMPAS.com — Stan Indonesia yang mengangkat tema "Bali and Beyond" berhasil menarik minat pengunjung Reiselivsmessen 2013, yaitu pameran travel dan pariwisata terbesar di Norwegia yang berlangsung di Telenor Arena, Oslo, akhir pekan lalu."

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Saat Jakarta Banjir, Hotel Ini Penuh Tamu - KOMPAS.com

Saat Jakarta Banjir, Hotel Ini Penuh Tamu - KOMPAS.com: "JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Imbas banjir Jakarta yang membuat Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) terendam pada Kamis (17/1/2013) berdampak pula pada hotel-hotel berbintang di seputar kawasan ini. Di satu sisi, pada hari tersebut terjadi pembatalan pemesanan kamar, seperti yang terjadi di Hotel Mandarin Oriental Jakarta."

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Musim Duren yang Nggak Keren

Musim Duren yang Nggak Keren: "Musim durian kali ini kelihatannya kalah semarak daripada musim tahun lalu. Setelah gagal panen karena erupsi Merapi tahun 2010, pohon-pohon durian di lereng Merapi memberikan kemurahan kepada eks pengungsi dengan panen yang melimpah. Tidak hanya durian, buah rambutan dan buah manggis juga berbuah lebat. Saking melimpahnya, buah rambutan dan buah manggis diberikan gratis sebagai bonus bagi pengunjung yang memborong durian. " 'via Blog this'

NBC News - Google+ - Some hostages who escaped Islamist militants at Algeria gas…

NBC News - Google+ - Some hostages who escaped Islamist militants at Algeria gas…: "Some hostages who escaped Islamist militants at Algeria gas plant due in London Western hostages being held by Islamist militants at a gas plant in Algeria were feared to have been killed during a raid by Algerian forces Thursday. At least some hostages, however, reportedly escaped."

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Tesla Says it Has the Cash to Fund its Plan | TheDetroitBureau.com

Tesla Says it Has the Cash to Fund its Plan | TheDetroitBureau.com: "Tesla will begin selling the mid-level 230-mile version of its Model S battery-electric sedan within a month and will roll out a lower-priced model by spring."

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Guangzhou Shows Three Vehicles in Detroit | TheDetroitBureau.com

Guangzhou Shows Three Vehicles in Detroit | TheDetroitBureau.com: "Chinese automaker Guangzhou Automobile Group showed off three vehicles, including a hybrid and an electric vehicle, at a press conference at the Detroit Auto Show."

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Nissan Versa Note Reveals New Direction for Subcompact Hatchback | TheDetroitBureau.com

Nissan Versa Note Reveals New Direction for Subcompact Hatchback | TheDetroitBureau.com: "The Nissan Versa Note, which goes on sale at Nissan dealers in the United States in summer 2013, will offer a new look and several key innovations for buyers searching for an entry-level hatchback."

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Honda Urban SUV Concept Introduced | TheDetroitBureau.com

Honda Urban SUV Concept Introduced | TheDetroitBureau.com: "What, you were expecting an Element redux? Two years after ending production of the intentionally ugly-duckling boxy Element, Honda showed the Urban SUV Concept, a thinly disguised look at a new small crossover that will slot in below the CR-V in the Honda lineup at the Detroit auto show. "

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Nissan slashing price on Leaf battery car - Business on NBCNews.com

Nissan slashing price on Leaf battery car - Business on NBCNews.com: "Nissan will drop the price on a new version of its Leaf battery-electric vehicle by 18 percent, or about $6,000, the maker announced during a North American International Auto Show news conference. "

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Say hi! Panda cubs wave, relax in adorable pics - Animal Tracks

Say hi! Panda cubs wave, relax in adorable pics - Animal Tracks: "By Meena Hart Duerson, TODAY A group of panda cubs are melting hearts this week as they play around and pose in a series of almost unbearably cute photos, from flashing a wave to kicking back and chilling out."

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