“We, the PDI-P [Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle] cannot yet agree on the draft because it still needs further discussion,” House legislator Arif Wibowo said as quoted by tempointeraktif.com.
Several other parties also requested an extension to deliberate some of the articles in the law.
Bukhori from the Prosperous Justice Party said several articles still needed to be synchronized with other laws. “Further deliberation and lobbying are needed. [We need] a maximum of 10 days [extension],” he said.
Law and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar said he agreed with the extension.
Nurul Arifin from the Golkar Party said several points required further deliberation, including a judge’s pension age, tenure, the minimum age and selection mechanisms.
The government and the House have agreed to an extension of two weeks before the hearing on the draft bill."

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