Keeping Your Kitchen Under Control - Better Medicine: "The "dirtiest" rooms in your house are probably the kitchen and bathroom(s). The kitchen leads the list, according to a recent study, because people are less likely to use strong cleaners and disinfectants in that room. They aren't as shy about using cleaners and chemicals in the bathroom.
Sources of contamination
People are the most common source of contamination in the kitchen, because people carry diseases that other people get. Most viruses and bacteria that cause colds, flu, and food-born illnesses are spread by hand-to-hand or hand-to-food contact. People with hepatitis A, Norwalk-like viruses (noroviruses), or the bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus can pass these illnesses on to others by handling food. Also, a person who is ill from a food-borne illness, such as hepatitis A, can pass that illness on to others by handling food."
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