To His Excellency, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.Date of birth 9 September 1949.Place of birth in Tremas, a village in Arjosari, Pacitan, East Java.Work an Indonesian politician and retired Army officer.President of Indonesia since 2004.
With this, we are waiting for your letter of resignation, as President of the Republic of Indonesia. As leaders of nations who are appointed by the Indonesian people, and who explicitly promised in public, and before Heaven and Earth to remove corruption and to help Indonesia towards the prosperity that is planned by all the Indonesian people and the founders of this country.
In fact, you
* It has failed.* Does not keep their promises.
We do not have to give details because you yourself already know the details.
For the sake of public interest, security and prosperity of the Indonesian state. We urge you to create a special council for the transfer of leadership transition until presidential elections to come. By involving the Supreme Constitutional and Supreme Court of Justice that will help you in this transition.
Which will be referred to as a Letter of Resignation of President (SPDP), dated May 28, 2011.
And you must complete this transition period is not over until the 10th of Noveber 2011. Where can you find out that that day, the Indonesian National Heroes Day.
For that we give advice to Makahmah Constitution and the Supreme Court, to make you the Amnesty Program, all members of the Democratic party, to all civil servants, police, military, all partai2, and the people involved or currently do CORRUPTION.
CORRUPTION definition we mean is as follows:
* Political corruption, abuse of public power, office, or resource by government officials or employees for personal gain, for example, by extortion, demanding or offering bribes.
* Police corruption, a specific form of misconduct of police that are designed to obtain financial advantage, personal gain, and / or career development for police officers or officers in exchange for not pursuing, or selectively pursuing, an investigation or arrest
* Corruption companies, corporate criminality and abuse of power by corporate officers, both internally and externally, including the fact that impede the investigation and justice.
* Corruption (philosophical concept), often refers to spiritual or moral impurity, or deviation from the ideal
* Bribery in politics, business, or sports
* Systemic corruption, the complete subversion of a political or economic system
* Rule of law, government corruption trial, including the expenditure of government funds in court, which is really financially controlled by the executive.
Where is the Amnesty Program is based.* Assist great State of biaya2 court, time, human resources, reveal potential taint, and a miserable sadness.* Humanitarian.* The belief that we are all one nation.* The belief that human beings are not perfect.* The belief that humans and other nations to forgive each other.* The belief that humans can have the opportunity to 2 time to become useful citizens.* The belief that this country still adhere to Pancasila.* The belief that our country should re-enforce existing LAW.* The belief that the need to create a new chapter in the future.* The belief that the need to make peace with the past.
For the Supreme Constitutional and Supreme Court, is expected to make plans for a fine reception Bleaching Program (Amnesty) this. What is the penalty that can be done with transparency and the open road.So the Transitional Council shall give orders to BI, financial forensics team and Military Police to help assist you to provide your own data2 including how property is owned by all civil servants, in the DPR and DPRD partai2 and ranks of police.
Hopefully with this we give amnesty GUARANTEE that there will be no investigation at a later date.
For that you and every participant of this Amnesty Program must sign a Letter of Agreement to,* Promise is no longer corruption.* Promise not be a coalition to oppose this Amnesty Program.* Promise is no longer trying to embarrass Indonesia.* Promise not going to make a plot in the future.
Arrangement details will be finalized by the Transitional Council.
So we are waiting for your reliance pengundur letter as soon as possible.
Jack Soetopo
Disclaimer: personal statement from a pedicab driver, not involving badan2 mentioned above. The authors are solely responsible for this paper. For criticism and suggestions, please write to the email that has been provided free of charge by Kompasiana. The author does not represent Kompasian and Compass Family. Author only represent a legal entity that exists as a pedicab driver.
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