Mahfud MD: Ambil Langkah yang Mana?

Mahfud MD: Ambil Langkah yang Mana?: "Washington DC, November 20, 2012 Untuk kali ini saya ingin memberikan tanggapan terhadap tulisan Mas Prayitno Ramelan yang berjudul “Langkah Pak Mahfud yang Berani Mengambil Resiko.” mengenai diri dan keputusan serta pernyataan umum nya. Hal ini saya secara pribadi tidak mengenal beliau, jadi saya tidak mengetahui kehidupan Mahfud MD secara pribadi. Karena beliau kini ketua MK yang mengambil keputusan mengenai pembubaran BP Migas serta memberikan pernyataan Dugaan mengenal Mafia Narkoba di Istana, sehubungan pemberian grasi Presiden kepada narapidana yang bernama Ola."

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Warisanku Hanya Harapan, Nduk

Warisanku Hanya Harapan, Nduk: "Nduk….Tersenyumlah Berikanlah senyum indah mu Senyum yang membuat hari lelah, bercerah Senyum yang membuat mendung, bersinar…. Teringat tubuh mungil mu dalam lipatan kain lusuh… Tertidur dengan nyenyak tak bergerak… Tertidur dalam gendongan bergoyang perlahan… Membuat hati bersyukur mendapatkan mu…."

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Residents In More Than A Dozen States Petition White House To Secede From United States

Residents In More Than A Dozen States Petition White House To Secede From United States: "Residents in more than a dozen states across the country have filed secession petitions to the Obama administration's "We the People" program, which is featured on the White House website."

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Mahfud MD: Pernyataan Yang Sangat Disayangkan

Mahfud MD: Pernyataan Yang Sangat Disayangkan: "Chapel Hill, NC November 11, 2012 Dalam tulisan kali ini saya ingin menanggapi tulisan2 lain yang ada, khususnya pernyataan umum dari Mahfud MD, Ketua Makamah Konstitusi, dimana sendiri membuat liputan khusus mengenai masalah ini, khususnya masalah pemberian Grasi kepada seorang gembong narkoba yang bernama Franola atau Ola yang secara sah di jatuhi hukuman mati menjadi hukuman seumur hidup oleh Presiden NKRI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)."

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Open Story: 'I Voted' Election 2012 - CNN iReport

Open Story: 'I Voted' Election 2012 - CNN iReport: "(CNN) -- On Election Day, many polling stations hand out a sticker to signify that you cast your vote. It's not the most important thing about voting, but it's a fun and easy way to show that you took part."

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Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 2 - YouTube

Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 2 - YouTube: "He wiped the smirk off their faces."

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Ellie Goulding - Wish I Stayed (Acoustic) - YouTube

Ellie Goulding - Wish I Stayed (Acoustic) - YouTube: "Why can't we speak another language, one we all agree on When when men look outside, do they see houses Instead of the fields they grew from We are Constantly uprooted from them, making us tiresome and fearful Can you get up right now, endeavor to freefall (Off) You can fall if you want to It's just a matter of how far You've treasured our home town But you've forgotten where you are And it will stay with you until you're mind's been found and it has been found wondering around"

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Ellie Goulding - "Lights" (Acoustic on Ryan Seacrest) - YouTube

Ellie Goulding - "Lights" (Acoustic on Ryan Seacrest) - YouTube: "British import Ellie Goulding stopped by the On Air with Ryan Seacrest studio to perform "Lights," "Anything Could Happen," and Rihanna's "Only Girl In The World.""

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Blog | MMC Institute

Blog | MMC Institute: "We have seen increasing numbers of people with a cluster of issues and symptoms associated with the stress of sudden success or wealth. Many of these people have struck it rich through their entrepreneurial ventures and corporate stock options. Others, as a consequence of inheritance are among the heirs of the largest inter-generational transfer of wealth in American history. MMCI coined the term “Sudden Wealth Syndrome” to describe the psychological issues that are associated with new or sudden wealth.  MMCI programs and services address the risks and opportunities of new or sudden wealth. Why is this a problem? For most of us, winning the lottery or striking it rich would solve all our problems!"

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Taylor Swift - White Horse - YouTube

Taylor Swift - White Horse - YouTube: "Music video by Taylor Swift performing White Horse. (C) 2009 Big Machine Records, LLC Category: Music License: Standard YouTube License"

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Taylor Swift Last Kiss Lyrics - YouTube

Taylor Swift Last Kiss Lyrics - YouTube: "Published on Apr 11, 2012 by ReadTheHits No description available. Category: People & Blogs License: Standard YouTube License"

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Taylor Swift -- Come in with the Rain (HQ Lyrics) - YouTube

Taylor Swift -- Come in with the Rain (HQ Lyrics) - YouTube: "All rights go to Taylor Swift and the recording company. All I did was put the slides together with the video. :D Song: Come in with the Rain Artist: Taylor Swift Album: Fearless (Platinum Addition)"

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Sin Of My Father, Do I Have To Pay?

Sin Of My Father, Do I Have To Pay?: "Di Bawah Kolong Jembatan, September 06, 2012 Indah nya pantai Kuta, Tetapi kami tidak dapat menikmatinya, Indahnya pencakar langit dan gemerlapan Jakarta, Tetapi kami hanya dapat melihatnya dari jauh…. Apa salah kami, Pak Presiden..? Apa salah kami, Ibu Negara…? Apa salah kami, Pak Gubernur…? Apa salah kami, Gusti Allah….?"

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Watching 49 Quadrocopters Fly and Swarm Across the Night Sky Is Pretty Freaky

Watching 49 Quadrocopters Fly and Swarm Across the Night Sky Is Pretty Freaky: "There's something unnerving about watching quadrocopters fly and dart around. It gets even creepier when the quadrocopters team up and become a giant swarm, morphing into different shapes like a living organism. So you can imagine what watching 49 quadrocopters littering the sky feels like. It's like seeing aliens on Earth. The awesome show was blasted on the sky of Linz, Austria. According to DVICE, The AscTec Hummingbird quadrocopters teamed up for a show called, "The Cloud in the Web" and was programmed by Ars Electronica Futurelab and Ascending Technologies GmbH. I would probably pee my pants if I saw these flying killers in the sky."

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Al-Jazeera Gets the Crap Hacked Out of It (Updated)

Al-Jazeera Gets the Crap Hacked Out of It (Updated): "There are hacks, and then there are hacks. After this morning's apparent Apple UDID dump, Al-Jazeera's English website has been defaced in about the most conspicuous way possible. But who's responsible?"

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We're Now Pretty Certain Life on Earth Is 3.5 Billion Years Old

We're Now Pretty Certain Life on Earth Is 3.5 Billion Years Old: "The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. But what about the life that exists on it? We've thought since 2006 that biological activity in the form of stromatolites—ancient layered geological structures—first appeared here 3.5 billion years ago, and now we have even more evidence to prove it. Scientists took to the Strelley Pool Formation in Australia to check out the sulfur some rock formations that got there as a result of biological activity. They've looked at these deposits before, but this time they analyzed them through a different technique—analyzing the distribution of isotopes in each layer rather than on the whole—and their findings corroborated previous conclusion. "

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Every Time You Torrent, Feds Log Your IP in Just Three Hours

Every Time You Torrent, Feds Log Your IP in Just Three Hours: "Anyone who has downloaded pirated music, video or ebooks using a BitTorrent client has probably had their IP address logged by copyright-enforcement authorities within three hours of doing so. So say computer scientists who placed a fake pirate server online—and very quickly found monitoring systems checking out who was taking what from the servers."

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iPhone 5: The Complete Rumor Roundup (Updated)

iPhone 5: The Complete Rumor Roundup (Updated): "There's been so much rumor-hawking and speculation the past few weeks that whether you're ready or not, we're squarely in the middle of iPhone season. So here's a quick rundown of everything we think we know about Apple's next iPhone. Appearance We think we have a pretty good idea of what the new iPhone will look like; we've been seeing leaked parts for months now, and recently that has moved up to fully assembled phones, and possibly a whole phone smuggled out of a plant."

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7 Deadly Weapons You Should Never Ever Make Out of Harmless Household Items

7 Deadly Weapons You Should Never Ever Make Out of Harmless Household Items: "I write a lot about edgy, semi-dangerous scientific projects. So, I get a lot of suggestions from people who want to share their own ideas for risky home projects. I like the reader engagement, but four times out of five, the ideas are dumb, and borderline deadly. Listen to me: if it involves a pipe, match heads, and gasoline, I guarantee you, it's a bad idea."

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Badass Chicks In Israel Don't Go To the Beach Without Their Assault Rifles

Badass Chicks In Israel Don't Go To the Beach Without Their Assault Rifles: "When you go to the beach there are a few things you must remember: your towel, your sunscreen, and your assault rifle. At least, if you're in Israel. This chick is all ready for a day in the Tel Aviv sun, with her bikini and her M4 strapped to her back. Though it doesn't have the magazine, it's fairly common to see to see scenes like this in the country over the summer. She's presumably an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) solider, meaning she's required to carry her weapon with her at all times. And even if she was just showing off, she looked incredibly badass doing so. [Reddit] "

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Bangunlah dari Mimpi Tempe, Menuju Ke Surga

Bangunlah dari Mimpi Tempe, Menuju Ke Surga:

Di Bawah Kolong Jembatanan, September 05. 2012
Bangunlah anak yang pintar,
Berlatihlah dengan rendah hati,
Berlatihlah dengan hati yang baik,
Mimpi ke surga itu indah sekali…..

Mimpi ke surga yang di dagangkan,
Di kemas seperti indomie yang lezat,
Indomie yang bahan bakunya di import,
Karena kamu terus bermimpi…..

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Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter I: An Introduction

Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter I: An Introduction: "For reading the series of “RETRACING SURAKARTA PRINCES’ RESIDENCES”: Chapter I: An Introduction, please click here Chapter II: Batik Factory, please click here Chapter III: Ndalem Sasonomulyo, please click here Note: This article is the introduction for the series of articles “RETRACING SURAKARTA PRINCES’ RESIDENCES”. There will be several series in which one series represents one residence of the Surakarta Prince or other features related to the topic. Enjoy!"

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Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter III: Ndalem Sasonomulyo

Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter III: Ndalem Sasonomulyo: "For reading the series of “RETRACING SURAKARTA PRINCES’ RESIDENCES”: Chapter I: An Introduction, please click here Chapter II: Batik Factory, please click here After enjoying the architecture of old Batik Factory, we continued to the first destination of Surakarta Prince Residence, Ndalem Sasonomulyo. Uniquely, we did not enter front the main gate of the residence (south gate), but we entered from back part of the residence in which we needed to pass crowded housing area which is called as mager sari. Mager sari is the concept of living in an area owned by more respected or prosperous people especially the king; without paying and without owning the land. Basically people who do mager sari are abdi dalem (Royal assistant) From the northern gate, we directly saw the front part of the rooms in eastern side of the residence."

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Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter II: Batik Factory

Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter II: Batik Factory: "For reading the series of “RETRACING SURAKARTA PRINCES’ RESIDENCES” Chapter I: An Introduction, please click here After all participants had been together in front of Kori Kamandungan, the front building of Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat (the palace of Solo or Surakarta) at 8 am, we started to walk to the first destination of Surakarta Prince’ Residence names Ndalem Sasonomulyo. We walked to the west side to reach that spot. Before we arrived to Ndalem Sasonomulyo, we dropped for a moment to see the building which used to have the function as batik factory. Batik is the Javanese and Indonesia traditional clothing including in the motive, pattern, and coloring style."

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DPRD Bali Dituding 'Wacana Doang' | lensaINDONESIA

DPRD Bali Dituding 'Wacana Doang' | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: DPRD Bali yang selama ini siap menjadi fungsi kontrol dituding hanya ‘wacana doang’. Pasalnya, wakil rakyat ini enggan bereaksi ketika sejumlah dinas melakukan ‘kenakalan’ hingga terbukti melakukan korupsi. Bahkan, wakil rakyat ini diduga hanya mengumbar janji akan melakukan pemanggilan, meski kenyataannya tidak pernah dilakukan. Hal itu diungkapkan pengamat dari Unud (Universitas Udayana) Drs Ida Bagus Jelantik MHum. Diantaranya, keluhan masyarakat soal izin taksi, kemahalan pengadaan geguntangan, kasus X-Ray hingga kasus LED TV."

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"Demi Tegaknya Hukum, Gubernur Jatim Pun Harus Dipanggil Paksa" | lensaINDONESIA

"Demi Tegaknya Hukum, Gubernur Jatim Pun Harus Dipanggil Paksa" | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Kasus dugaan penipuan CPNS (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil) senilai miliaran dengan terdakwa Elizabeth, yang belakangan mulai ‘tenggelam’, kini kembali menjadi sorotan berbagai kalangan. Bahkan, bila perlu Gubernur Jatim Soekarwo ikut dipanggil paksa, lantaran Sekdaprov Rasiyo disebut-sebut juga menerima aliran dana miliaran rupiah dari Elizabeth. Desakan untuk segera membongkar siapa dalang dibalik kasus ini disampaikan Pakar Hukum Unair (Universitas Airlangga) I Wayan Titib Sulaksana SH pada LICOM, Kamis (12/4/2012) malam. Menurutnya, kasus yang merugikan masyarakat ini harus segera ditindaklanjuti."

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MA Vonis Terpidana Abdillah Najih Kuddah Terpidana Korupsi 1,9 M | lensaINDONESIA

MA Vonis Terpidana Abdillah Najih Kuddah Terpidana Korupsi 1,9 M | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Terpidana Abdillah Najih Kuddah warga Pamekasan Madura yang sempat menghilangkan jejak untuk menghindari aparat hukum kejaksaan negeri Pamekasan dengan cara kabur. Namun upaya keras aparat kejari Pamekasan tidak sia-sia. Pasalnya terpidana yang selama TO tertangkap Rabu (28/3/2012) malam di Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penangkapan dipimpin langsung oleh Kepala Kejari Pamekasan Agus Irianto dan Kasi Pidsus Kejari Samiadji Zakaria bekerja sama dengan tim intelijen Kejagung."

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Gawat! MA Terbitkan Putusan Ganda di Kasus Korupsi TVRI | lensaINDONESIA

Gawat! MA Terbitkan Putusan Ganda di Kasus Korupsi TVRI | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Mantan Direktur Utama Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), Sumita Tobing, mengaku bingung atas keluarnya dua putusan Mahkamah Agung (MA) yang berbeda. Salah satunya, menghukumnya satu tahun enam bulan penjara. Sementara, sebelumnya ada putusan bebas. Diketahui, Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Pusat pada 12 Februari 2009 telah membebaskan Sumita Tobing, mantan Direktur Utama TVRI dari dakwaan tindak pidana korupsi atas pengadaan peralatan produksi Stasiun TVRI."

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Siti Fadillah Siap Hadir Ke Tipikor Jadi Saksi Kasus Mulya Hasjmy | lensaINDONESIA

Siti Fadillah Siap Hadir Ke Tipikor Jadi Saksi Kasus Mulya Hasjmy | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Kamis (26/4/2012) hari ini, mantan Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari akan menghadiri sidang perkara dugaan korupsi pengadaan alat kesehatan dengan terdakwa Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran (KPA) dan Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK), Mulya Hasjmy. Hal itu disampaikan Siti Fadillah ketika menemui sejumlah wartawan beberapa saat lalu di kediamannya Kompleks Billy Moon Jl Kelapa Hijau 2 Blok Q4 No 12 Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur."

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Jadi Tersangka Korupsi, Mantan Menkes Ngaku Hanya Korban Sistem | lensaINDONESIA

Jadi Tersangka Korupsi, Mantan Menkes Ngaku Hanya Korban Sistem | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Mantan Menteri Kesehatan (Menkes) Siti Fadillah mengaku kecewa dengan penetapan status tersangka kepada dirinya. Hal itu diungkapkan saat menggelar konferensi pers Rabu (25/4/12) di kediamannya di Kompleks Billy Moon, Jl Kelapa Hijau 2 Blok Q4 No.12 Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur. Menurutnya, dia merasa menjadi korban atas sistem hukum yang berlaku saat ini. Pasalnya, dia mengakui, jika selama menjadi Menteri Kesehatan, dia sudah menjalankan aturan yang berlaku."

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Setelah Pertarungan Dramatis, Bayern Munich Memastikan Tiket Final | lensaINDONESIA

Setelah Pertarungan Dramatis, Bayern Munich Memastikan Tiket Final | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Setelah melalui pertandingan dramatis, Bayern Munich akhirnya memastikan lolos ke final Liga Champions usai menyingkirkan Real Madrid lewat babak adu penalti. Dalam pertandingan normal, Real Madrid ungul 2-1, namun secara agregat kedua tim berimbang 3-3. Di Santiago Bernabeu, Kamis (26/4/2012) dini hari WIB, tiga gol sudah tercipta di paruh pertama laga. Madrid sebagai tuan rumah memulai pertandingan dengan baik dan memimpin di menit ke-6 lewat penalti Cristiano Ronaldo."

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Cornelis: "Pelaku Video Porno itu Bukan Karolin Margret Natasa" | lensaINDONESIA

Cornelis: "Pelaku Video Porno itu Bukan Karolin Margret Natasa" | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Video mesum dalam posisi ‘Woman on Top’ yang diduga mirip KMN, anggota komisi IX DPR fraksi PDIP mendapat tanggapan dari Drs. Cornelis MH, Gubernur Kalimantan Barat. “Itu tidak benar, video itu palsu. Itu bukan anak kami (dr Karolin Margret Natasa). Tapi sebagai orangtua, kalau memang ini betul ya sedihlah. Tapi saya tegaskan itu palsu,” tegas Cornelis, Rabu (25/04) di Jakarta Convention Center."

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Video 'Woman on Top' Mirip KMN Dipasang dari Bandung | lensaINDONESIA

Video 'Woman on Top' Mirip KMN Dipasang dari Bandung | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Situs yang merupakan situs pengunggah video seks ‘Woman on TOP’ yang diduga mirip KMN, anggota DPR Komisi IX dari fraksi PDIP, diketahui menggunakan server Honesgraf yang di Amerika Serikat. Situs tersebut berakhir terpasang pada bulan Oktober 2011."

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Pria di Video Porno Diduga Kuat Elya Geeraldy Muskitta | lensaINDONESIA

Pria di Video Porno Diduga Kuat Elya Geeraldy Muskitta | lensaINDONESIA: "LENSAINDONESIA.COM: Aria Bima, politikus PDIP yang disebut-sebut adalah pria dalam video porno ‘Woman on Top’ dengan wanita yang diduga mirip KMN, sudah menegaskan bukan dirinya. Ia menyebut pria itu adalah EGM, karena ciri fisik di video itu jelas bukan dirinya."

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Pesona, Pulau Pasir Putih Lihaga

Pesona, Pulau Pasir Putih Lihaga: "Deru mesin diesel minibus warna Silver, berkapasitas 12 orang, berubah menjadi musik sepanjang perjalanan wisata kami ke Pulau Lihaga. Kami berangkat dari Moyaporong, salah satu spot wisata religi bagian dari Bukit Doa di Tomohon sekitar pukul 9 pagi sehabis sarapan."

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Hulu - Green

Hulu - Green: "Her name is Green, a female orangutan displaced by deforestation and alone in a world that doesn't belong to her. This powerful film about Green's final days won the top awards at the prestigious Jackson Hole Wildlife and Wildscreen Film Festivals."

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Samsung Vendor Smartphone Nomor Satu Dunia

Samsung Vendor Smartphone Nomor Satu Dunia: "Samsung beberapa waktu yang lalu merilis pendapatan mereka di kuartal pertama tahun 2012. Secara resmi saya memperoleh press release yang dikirimkan oleh pihak Samsung via email kemarin. Dalam press release tersebut, Samsung mencatat penjualan konsolidasi sebesar 45 Triliun won. Keuntungan operasi konsolidasi mencapai 5,6 Triliun Won atau setara dengan 5,1 miliar dollar AS. Jumlah keuntungan kuartal pertama tahun 2012 ini meningkat sangat besar dibandingkan kuartal yang sama tahun lalu yang sebesar 2,95 Triliun Won."

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Ketika Bapakku Meminta Maaf

Ketika Bapakku Meminta Maaf: "“Bapak meminta maaf ya nduk ” kata Bapak  sambil menunduk “Bapak juga nggak mau sakit begini, bapak malu”tambah beliau Kami pun menangis “Jangan meminta maaf pak, Bapak sembuh saja kami sudah bersyukur..kami juga nggak minta apa-apa makan dengan nasi garam pun kami mau. Jawab kami"

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Sebulan Kepergian Sang Widjojonomics

Sebulan Kepergian Sang Widjojonomics: "Tak terasa sebulan sudah Bengawan Ekonomi Indonesia Prof.Dr.Widjojo Nitisasro berpulang ke haribaan Ilahi. Beliau meninggal Jumat 9 Maret 2011 pukul 02.30 WIB di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusomo (RSCM), dimana pada hari yang bersamaan putra kedua saya Khalifah Adindra Semesta lahir pukul 10.10 di RS.Saint Carolus yang begitu dekat dari RSCM. Saya mengagumi Widjojo sebagai seorang tokoh anti popularitas, yang begitu santun serta senantiasa memotivasi orang lain untuk berhasil."

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Mengenang Arsitek Ekonomi Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Widjojo Nitisastro

Mengenang Arsitek Ekonomi Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Widjojo Nitisastro: "Indonesia telah kehilangan seorang arsitek ekonomi. Beliau adalah Prof. Dr. Widjojo Nitisastro. Widjojo meninggal pada hari Jumat, 9 Maret 2012 dini hari di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan dimakamkan di Taman Makam Pahlawan Kalibata."

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Mama Jualan Apa Saja, Asal Kami Sekolah

Mama Jualan Apa Saja, Asal Kami Sekolah: "By Julianto Simanjuntak** Mama perempuan biasa, lahir di desa. Mama menikah di usia muda 18 tahun, beda setahun dengan Papa. Sejak mudanya Mama terbiasa hidup susah. Sebagai anak kedua dari sepuluh bersaudara, mama punya beban dan tanggung jawab untuk delapan adiknya. Untung mama ulet. Dari dagang kelontong ekonomi keluarga kami terbilang lebih sehat dibandingkan saudara-saudara mama. Empat dari adik mama tumbuh dan menikah di rumah kami."

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Spiderman Mengaku Kalah Pada Penumpang KRL Indonesia

Spiderman Mengaku Kalah Pada Penumpang KRL Indonesia: "Film dan sinetron kita kasihan sekali, sering menjadi sasaran tembak caci maki karena ceritanya yang kadang lebay. Padahal dibanding film Hollywood pun sebenarnya tidak kalah lebay dan mengada-andanya. Tidak percaya?"

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Hulu - Re:Generation Music Project - Watch the full movie now.

Hulu - Re:Generation Music Project - Watch the full movie now.: "Five DJs turn the tables on the history of music. Follow DJ Premier, Mark Ronson, Skrillex, Pretty Lights and The Crystal Method as they remix, recreate and re-imagine five traditional styles of music. Hide Description © 2012 GreenLight Media & Marketing, L.L.C."

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NYT: Illegal border crossings fall, tensions high - US news - The New York Times -

NYT: Illegal border crossings fall, tensions high - US news - The New York Times - "PHOENIX — The impact of steep declines in the number of migrants illegally crossing the border with Mexico in recent years has rippled across Arizona and other border states, with federal and local law enforcement seeing big drops in crime related to illegal immigration."

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'Massacre' in Homs leaves 45 women, children dead, Syrian activists say -

'Massacre' in Homs leaves 45 women, children dead, Syrian activists say - "(CNN) -- At least 45 women and children were killed in the Syrian city of Homs late Sunday, opposition activists said, hours after the U.N. special envoy to Syria met with the country's president in an effort to reach a diplomatic solution to end the violence. The killings occurred in the Homs neighborhood of Karm al Zaytoun, according to the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, an opposition activist network. Hadi Abdallah, a spokesman for the Syrian Revolution General Council, told CNN there were 47 victims -- all stabbed to death and burned after "Syrian forces and thugs" stormed their homes."

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Q'Viva The Chosen (English)

The search for undiscovered Latin performers begins.Hide Description
© 2012 Q'Viva Partners, LLC

Antrean Truk di Pelabuhan Merak Dua Kilometer

Antrean Truk di Pelabuhan Merak Dua Kilometer: ", Merak: Antrean truk ekspedisi di Pelabuhan Merak, Cilegon, Banten, mencapai dua kilometer hingga Cikuasa Atas, Cilegon, Ahad (11/3). "Antrean terjadi karena cuaca buruk di perairan Selat Sunda, sehingga kapal 'roro' yang melayani penyeberangan Merak-Bakauheni mengalami hambatan berlayar maupun bersandar di dermaga," kata Pelaksana harian (plh) Manager Operasional PT Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Cabang Ferry Merak, Didi Juliansyah."

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Warga Lamongan Borong Premium dan Solar

Warga Lamongan Borong Premium dan Solar: ", Lamongan: Jelang kenaikan harga BBM warga dan pengecer membawa jeriken dan drum kecil untuk mendapatkan BBM bersubsidi. Aksi borong premium dan solar terjadi di sejumlah SPBU di Lamongan, Jawa Timur. Seperti yang terjadi di SPBU di Desa Semperat, Kecamatan Karanggeneng, Lamongan, Ahad (11/3). Sejak pagi hingga siang hari para pengecer dan warga terus berdatangan untuk mendapatkan BBM yang sulit didapat akhir-akhir ini. Pihak SPBU juga meminta surat keterangan dari pihak kelurahan serta membatasi pembelian dengan hanya memberi sebanyak 22 liter. Aksi ini dipicu oleh rencana pemerintah untuk menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi per satu April mendatang.(DNI) "

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Japan remembers earthquake, tsunami with silence, rallies

One year after the tsunami swept through their town, fishermen in Hikado are ready to accept the delivery of a new fleet of boats. NBC’s Ian Williams reports.

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How to Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Data in WordPress Themes

How to Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Data in WordPress Themes: "We shared with you how to add the facebook like button in WordPress. Then we wrote about how to add the facebook send button in WordPress. Now usually, Facebook is really smart in pulling in the right data for your posts when they are shared on Facebook. However recently, we have been hearing reports of Facebook not pulling the right thumbnail image when someone clicks Like, not pulling the right page title, etc. Well in this article, we will share how you can add facebook open graph meta information in WordPress themes which will solve all of those issues."

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12 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Post Every Time | SEOmoz

12 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Post Every Time | SEOmoz: "Blogging is a lot like fishing. Some people do it all the time and never catch anything…while others catch everything. Why is that? You know better than to say it is luck. So let’s call it what it is…when you look around at successful blogs…whatever industry or topic…there are several undeniable basics to success. And it starts with blog posts that kill it…rather than get killed. But what kills a blog post? Here’s a list of 12 things…ignore them and you will have a tough time being successful."

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Interview in Somalia with Islamist militants al-Shabaab

Somali reporter Jamal Osman has been into the region for an exclusive meeting with the Islamists of al-Shabaab, a major party missing from the London summit.

Somalia's Child Soldiers -

In September of 2010 both children featured in this video were killed in isolated incidents, the first child along with 7 civilians in a market bomb and the second via a gun shot wound to the abdomin. To date there are over 40,000 child soldiers in Somalia with 70% currently on the front lines of Mogadishu.

Reporter tells of meeting Kony By Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper interviews Matthew Green, a reporter who has extensive knowledge about Joseph Kony.

Child soldier: Kony 2012 is 'misleading' By Connect the world

Former child soldier Ishmael Beah shares his opinion on the Kony 2012 campaign and its impact.

Violent warlord video goes viral By CNN

An independent filmmaker teams up with 'Anonymous' in an effort to bring Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony to justice.

The phenomenon behind Kony 2012 video By CNN

California's new gold rush By CNN

Surveillance video shows tornado's power By CNN

Surveillance video shows tornado's power

Mobil Esemka Tidak Usah Resah (II)

Mobil Esemka Tidak Usah Resah (II): "Denpasar, 9 Maret 2012 Dalam tulisan yang lalu saya telah mencoba membeberkan secara sederhana bagaimana garis lurus dan O adalah dasar dari segi kehidupan di masa depan anak2 SMA. Sekali lagi tujuan ini menjelaskan bahwa penggunaan cara yang sederhana ini bukan untuk kepentingan politik atau mencari muka, tetapi sekedar memberikan rasa Nasionalisme dan Kecintaan saya kepada Indonesia. Dari mula saya mencoba menulis di Kompasiana ini memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan tidak akan berubah yaitu menulis apa ada nya dari pengalaman hidup dan pandangan saya secara pribadi."

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Mobil Esemka Tidak Usah Resah

Mobil Esemka Tidak Usah Resah: "Denpasar, 9 Maret 2012 Tulisan ini sebenarnya memberikan pengertian bahwa dalam industri otomotif, adalah suatu industri yang sangat kompleks sekali. Seperti tulisan sebelum nya dari mas Jusman memberikan sedikit teknik menurut pengalaman mas Jusman sendiri dalam menangani PT DI. Tentunya para pembaca membaca berita mengenai Justin Bieber mendapat mobil mewah hybrid Fisker Karma untuk ulang tahun ke 18? Berita terakhir bahwa mobil mewah ini tidak lulus road test. Bayangkan betapa banyak dana untuk riset dan development serta berapa jam yang sudah di keluarkan dari para ahli otomotif perusahaan ini menghadapi hambatan yang sangat membuat banyak orang menanyakan apakah sudah siap perusahaan ini memproduksi mass mobil mewah yang banyak di minati kaum green jetset di dunia?"

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Bottom Line - Oops! $100,000 electric car flunks track test

Bottom Line - Oops! $100,000 electric car flunks track test: "DETROIT -- Remember when heartthrob Justin Bieber received a Fisker Karma luxury hybrid for his 18th birthday earlier this month on the Ellen DeGeneres Show? Well, he may be driving a lemon. A $100,000-plus Fisker sports car died during Consumer Reports speed testing this week for reasons that are still unknown, leaving the struggling electric car startup with another blow to its image. "It is a little disconcerting that you pay that amount of money for a car and it lasts basically 180 miles before going wrong," David Champion, senior director for the magazine's automotive test center, told Reuters, on Thursday."

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Daftar Orang Terkaya di Dunia Dari Indonesia

Daftar Orang Terkaya di Dunia Dari Indonesia: "Denpasar, 8 Maret 2012 Selama 25 tahun Majalah Forbes meluncurkan daftar orang terkaya di dunia, kali ini untuk 2012 daftar Bilioner no 1 adalah Carlos Slim Helu, 72 thn dan keluarga dari Meksiko, dengan total kekayaan sangat menakjubkan, $69 Billion. No 2,  Bill Gates, 56 thn dan keluarganya, Pendiri Microsoftdengan nilai kekayaan $61 Billion. No 3, Warren Bauffett, 81 thn, CEO Berkshire Hathaway. Ingin mengetahui siapa saja dari Indonesia? No 146, R Budi Hartono, 71 thn, Pengusaha Konglomerat mulai dari perusahaan rokok Djarum, BCA, dan hampir semua bidang dengan nilai kekayaan sebesar $6,5 Billion. No 1 di Indonesia."

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The world's top billionaires 2012 - global wealth - MSN Money

The world's top billionaires 2012 - global wealth - MSN Money: "2012: New records, new trends Forbes's first annual list of the world's billionaires, published a quarter-century ago, had 140 names. This year, a record 1,226 billionaires made the list, with a combined net worth of $4.6 trillion, also a record and up from $4.5 trillion in 2011. Innovation, strong consumer brands and a rebounding U.S. stock market helped produce 128 newcomers to this year's list and brought 17 former members back into the billionaire ranks. Falling stock markets, particularly in China and Russia, were mainly responsible for knocking out 117 individuals." 'via Blog this'

Hulu - The Voice: Let the Battles Begin - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - The Voice: Let the Battles Begin - Watch the full episode now.:

” Tak Lelo Lelo Lelo Ledung “

” Tak Lelo Lelo Lelo Ledung “: "TAK LELO LELO LELO LEDUNG

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Tornado drops boy on highway, 350 ft. from home


CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- A 7-year-old boy who was sucked from his home by a tornado on Friday and dropped 350 feet away on the side of an interstate is home from the hospital, recovering from his injuries.
Jamal Stevens suffered only minor injuries from the twister that demolished his family's two-story home in Charlotte near Interstate 485, where Jamal was found by his family a few minutes after the twister struck his neighborhood.
"I've never seen or heard anything like that," said Patricia Stevens, recalling the moment the twister "sucked out the walls" of the house in the darkness. "It was a terrible sound. I never want to go through that again. I don't want anyone to ever go through that again."

Penyebab Esemka Tak Lolos Versi Produsen | otomotif |

Penyebab Esemka Tak Lolos Versi Produsen | otomotif | "TEMPO.CO, Cianjur - Direktur Utama PT. Solo Manufaktur Kreasi, Sulistyo Rabono, mengatakan penyebab mobil Esemka Rajawali tidak lolos uji emisi adalah masih menggunakan Catalytic Conventer (CC) versi lama. Conventer itu tersebut kemungkinan besar tidak bisa mengonversi gas buang menjadi rendah emisi.

"Kami akan segera menggantinya dengan versi baru," kata Sulistyo saat dihubungi Tempo, Jumat, 2 Maret 2012.

Catalytic Conventer adalah perangkat yang tersemat di tengah-tengah pipa saluran gas buang. Fungsinya untuk menekan kadar emisi gas buang menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan. Perangkat ini sudah lazim digunakan di mobil terkini seperti Toyota Vios.

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Zippy electric motorcycle comes at a price | Cutting Edge - CNET News

Zippy electric motorcycle comes at a price | Cutting Edge - CNET News: "The Zero S electric motorcycle is impressive, but be careful with the throttle--it accelerates superfast from a standing start--and keep in mind that it weighs only 225 pounds.
Those are the initial observations of this first-time rider, who took the street model made by Santa Cruz, Calif.-based Zero Motorcycles out for a spin.
It's an odd feeling to twist the throttle and feel the powerful acceleration (62.5 pound-feet of torque) and still hear no sound except a slight clanking from the chain, not yet lubricated on this pre-production vehicle. Making tight turns is a little tricky, as there's no clutch (and no gears). But once you get used to it, it's just like an ordinary street motorcycle."

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About the Company - Zero Motorcycles - Electric Motorcycle Manufacturer

About the Company - Zero Motorcycles - Electric Motorcycle Manufacturer: "Zero Motorcycles is the next step in motorcycle evolution. By combining the best aspects of a traditional motorcycle with today’s most advanced technology, Zero produces high performance electric motorcycles that are lightweight, efficient, fast off the line and fun to ride. Each motorcycle is optimized from the ground up to leverage the revolutionary Z-Force™ electric powertrain and uses a specially designed rigid, aircraft-grade aluminum frame to minimize weight.

Once a burning idea conceived inside a Santa Cruz, California garage, Zero has rapidly grown into an internationally known motorcycle company. The result is groundbreaking motorcycle innovation that is available for customers to own today. Since 2006, when the first prototypes were produced, Zero has invited motorcyclists to go for a ride. Some things are better experienced than explained."

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Zero Motorcycles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zero Motorcycles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Zero Motorcycles Inc. is a manufacturer of electric motorcycles. Formerly called Electricross, it was started in 2006 near Santa Cruz, California in Scotts Valley by Neal Saiki, a former NASA engineer.
Zero makes a line of dirt bikes including the X and higher performance MX. They also produce street motorcycles, beginning with S in 2009. The S began shipping in volume in 2010, the first model year to include the Agni Motor[clarification needed], at which time the DS, a dual-sport model based on the S chassis became available. The XU, a smaller street bike with a removable battery, based on the same chassis as the Zero dirtbikes was introduced in 2011."

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Newsvine - US: North Korea to suspend nuclear activities

Newsvine - US: North Korea to suspend nuclear activities: "WASHINGTON — North Korea has agreed to suspend uranium enrichment and a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests in a breakthrough in negotiations with the United States.

The joint announcement Wednesday by the two nations comes little more than two months after the death of longtime ruler Kim Jong Il, and suggests North Korea has met the key U.S. preconditions for restarting multi-nation disarmament-for-aid talks that the North withdrew from in 2009."

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PhotoBlog - Returning to the scene nearly a year later, where a young mother searched for her son after the tsunami

PhotoBlog - Returning to the scene nearly a year later, where a young mother searched for her son after the tsunami: "Reuters reports -- The young Japanese woman clutches a beige blanket tight around her shoulders as she stares into the distance. Behind her hulks twisted metal and splintered wood left by the tsunami that devastated Ishinomaki, her hometown.
The photograph, taken by Tadashi Okubo at the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, was picked up by Reuters and other agencies around the world, becoming an iconic image of the March 11 disaster that killed 20,000 people.
The woman's name is Yuko Sugimoto. She is now 29 years old."

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25 suspected Anonymous hackers arrested - Technology & science - Security -

25 suspected Anonymous hackers arrested - Technology & science - Security - "By Greg Keller

updated 39 minutes ago
Print Font:
PARIS — Interpol said Tuesday that 25 suspected members of the loose-knit Anonymous hacker movement have been arrested in a sweep across Europe and South America.
The international police agency said in a statement that the arrests in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain were carried out by national law enforcement officers working under the support of Interpol's Latin American Working Group of Experts on Information Technology Crime."

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“Tawakal”: "INGAT !!!




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Lelaki Lelah Diujung Pena

Lelaki Lelah Diujung Pena: "Lelaki

Lekat dia menatap awan senja

berkilat bercahaya di bulatan mata

mentari senja jingga

segelas kopi, secarik kertas, sebuah pena

entah apa dia rasa

ingin kusapa, mungkinkah?


Bagus alisnya, bening matanya

kutatap saja dia dari sisi aku berada

apa hendak ditulisnya"

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American, French journalists killed in Syria - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

American, French journalists killed in Syria - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - "American journalist Marie Colvin and award-winning French photographer Remi Ochlik were killed Wednesday in the besieged Syrian city of Homs, opposition activists and a French official said."

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Clinton . American Experience . WGBH | PBS

Clinton . American Experience . WGBH | PBS

Premiering February 20th and 21st, a biography of a president who rose from a broken childhood in Arkansas to become one of the most successful politicians in modern American history, and one of the most complex and conflicted characters to ever stride across the public stage.

Hubble Reveals Weird New Exoplanet: Waterworld : Discovery News

Hubble Reveals Weird New Exoplanet: Waterworld : Discovery News: "The planet GJ 1214b was discovered in 2009 and was one of the first planets where an atmosphere was detected. In 2010, scientists were able to measure the atmosphere, finding it was likely composed mainly of water.

Now, with infrared spectra taken during transit observations by the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists say this world is even more unique, and that it represents a new class of planet: a waterworld underneath a thick, steamy atmosphere."

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300-million-year-old forest unearthed in China - World - DNA

300-million-year-old forest unearthed in China - World - DNA: "Researchers have discovered a 300-million-year-old tropical forest, which was preserved in ash when a volcano erupted in what is today northern China.

University of Pennsylvania paleobotanist Hermann Pfefferkorn and colleagues presented a reconstruction of this fossilised forest, lending insight into the ecology and climate of its time.

Pfefferkorn, a professor in Penn’s Department of Earth and Environmental Science, collaborated on the work with three Chinese colleagues: Jun Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yi Zhang "

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Safe House (2012) - IMDb

Safe House (2012) - IMDb: "A young CIA agent is tasked with looking after a fugitive in a safe house. But when the safe house is attacked, he finds himself on the run with his charge."

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Denzel Washington boxes, practices martial arts to stay screen ready -

Denzel Washington boxes, practices martial arts to stay screen ready - "NEW YORK — Has 50 become the new 20 for on-screen action? At 53, Madonna kept pace with dancers half her age in the Super Bowl halftime show. Liam Neeson's last couple of movies have established the 59-year-old as a bona fide action hero. And now, 57-year-old Denzel Washington is the latest to run, punch, kick and jump with co-stars nearly half his age, including Ryan Reynolds, in his new movie,"Safe House."

Q: So, no stuntmen to make it look like you were doing it all?

A: A few for the really dangerous stuff, but a lot of the action that you see is me. You know, one thing about my job is if I take it seriously, then I have to try and stay in decent shape. I'm always preparing for roles like this because I enjoy them. You have to. I box, but I also work with martial artists. In this movie I had two big fights and we didn't get to those fights until April into May so I trained from mid-January. It was a great way to stay in shape for two-and-a-half, three months. We wo"

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Bottom Line - Yelp sets IPO price target, could raise $115 million

Bottom Line - Yelp sets IPO price target, could raise $115 million: "Online review site Yelp has set a price target for its planned public stock offering, which could raise as much as $115 million in what would likely be the first IPO for a major Internet company this year.
Based in San Francisco, the user-generated review website said Thursday it plans to sell 7.1 million shares for $12 to $14 each, while its charitable foundation will sell 50,000 shares and investment bankers have the option to sell an additional 1.07 million shares."

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Japan’s 78-year-old Emperor Akihito has successful heart bypass surgery, palace says - The Washington Post

Japan’s 78-year-old Emperor Akihito has successful heart bypass surgery, palace says - The Washington Post: "TOKYO — Japan’s 78-year-old Emperor Akihito underwent successful heart bypass surgery Saturday and should begin rehabilitation in a few days, doctors and palace officials said.

After the operation, Akihito was being monitored in an intensive care unit at the University of Tokyo Hospital, his surgeons said."

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Federal agents arrest Amine El Khalifi; he allegedly planned to bomb Capitol - The Washington Post

Federal agents arrest Amine El Khalifi; he allegedly planned to bomb Capitol - The Washington Post: "By Sari Horwitz, William Wan and Del Quentin Wilber, Published: February 17

Federal authorities on Friday arrested a 29-year-old Moroccan man in an alleged plot to carry out a suicide bombing at the U.S. Capitol, the latest in a series of terrorism-related arrests resulting from undercover sting operations."

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Yelp to Raise as Much as $100 Million in IPO Amid Internet Stock Demand - Bloomberg

Yelp to Raise as Much as $100 Million in IPO Amid Internet Stock Demand - Bloomberg: "Yelp Inc. (YELP), the user-generated review website, plans to raise as much as $100 million in what may be the first initial public offering from a major Internet company this year.
Yelp, based in San Francisco, said in a regulatory filing yesterday it will offer 7.15 million shares for $12 to $14 each. The pricing is scheduled for March 1, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, and the stock will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker YELP.
The IPO will probably come ahead of Facebook Inc., the biggest social-networking website, which filed to raise $5 billion on Feb. 1, without setting terms. At the midpoint of the price range, Yelp’s offering would value the company at about $778 million, or about 9.3 times last year’s sales. That compares with 5.2 times for Google Inc. (GOOG) and 3.8 times for Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO), which Yelp lists as competitors in its IPO prospectus."

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Oil Set for Biggest 2012 Weekly Gain - Bloomberg

Oil Set for Biggest 2012 Weekly Gain - Bloomberg: "Oil rose for a third day in New York, heading for the biggest weekly gain this year, as signs of an improving U.S. economy and progress on a bailout for Greece bolstered the outlook for fuel demand. Brent touched an eight- month high.
West Texas Intermediate futures climbed as much as 0.6 percent today and have gained 4.1 percent this week, the most since the five days ended Dec. 23. U.S. applications for jobless payments fell to the lowest since 2008, the Labor Department said yesterday. European governments are considering cutting interest rates on emergency loans to Greece and using European Central Bank contributions to plug a financing gap for the second bailout, two people familiar with the "

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Oil Set for Biggest 2012 Weekly Gain - Bloomberg

Oil Set for Biggest 2012 Weekly Gain - Bloomberg: "Oil rose for a third day in New York, heading for the biggest weekly gain this year, as signs of an improving U.S. economy and progress on a bailout for Greece bolstered the outlook for fuel demand. Brent touched an eight- month high.
West Texas Intermediate futures climbed as much as 0.6 percent today and have gained 4.1 percent this week, the most since the five days ended Dec. 23. U.S. applications for jobless payments fell to the lowest since 2008, the Labor Department said yesterday. European governments are considering cutting interest rates on emergency loans to Greece and using European Central Bank contributions to plug a financing gap for the second bailout, two people familiar with the "

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Record $6 Trillion of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized - Bloomberg

Record $6 Trillion of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized - Bloomberg: "Italian anti-mafia prosecutors said they seized a record $6 trillion of allegedly fake U.S. Treasury bonds, an amount that’s almost half of the U.S.’s public debt.
The bonds were found hidden in makeshift compartments of three safety deposit boxes in Zurich, the prosecutors from the southern city of Potenza said in an e-mailed statement. The Italian authorities arrested eight people in connection with the probe, dubbed “Operation Vulcanica,” the prosecutors said."

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Inside Every Good Dog is A Great Dog

Inside Every Good Dog is A Great Dog

Keuntungan Menjadi Blogger

Keuntungan Menjadi Blogger: "By Jack Soetopo

Denpasar, 17 Febuari 2012

Jika kita melihat banyak yang ditawarkan bagaimana mendapatkan penghasilan yang berjuta-juta, mulai dari iklan tentang bagaimana menjadi amatiran, semi-pro, sampai menjadi profesional. Dan kadang jika kita tidak jeli, selalu ditulis betapa mudahnya mendapatkan penghasilan dari berblog-ria.

Contoh yang heboh adalah mengenai Wazzub, SEO, Blog Super, Blog Sakti, Blog Sex, Blog Porno, Blog Cabul, dan Blog Gossip.

Untuk itu mari kita melihat apa artinya menjadi blogger, dan bagaimana asal muasalnya."

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Antisipasi Proyek Besar PLN Beli Listrik 305 MW -

Antisipasi Proyek Besar PLN Beli Listrik 305 MW - "Balikpapan, Kompas - Kebutuhan listrik di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, yang diperkirakan melonjak pada tahun 2013, seiring dibukanya beberapa proyek besar seperti perluasan bandara dan Kawasan Industri Kariangau, membuat PLN menyewa dan membeli listrik sekitar 305 MW dari pihak ketiga.

Menurut Ismail Deu, Kepala Cabang PLN Balikpapan, Minggu (12/2), tambahan daya itu rinciannya adalah 24 MW diperoleh dari menyewa genset dari salah satu perusahaan di Balikpapan.

Tambahan daya juga dari pembelian listrik 2 x 41 MW dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG) Senipah di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara serta kerja sama dengan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Kaltim untuk mendapat 2 x 100 MW.

Beban puncak jaringan listrik di Sistem Mahakam yang mencakup Kota Balikpapan, Kota Samarinda, dan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara mencapai 256 MW, sedangkan kapasitasnya 271 MW. ”Tidak pernah pemakaian listrik overkapasitas. Namun mulai tahun depan, beban listrik semakin besar,” ucap Ismail."

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A bachelor’s degree for $10,000 - College, Inc. - The Washington Post

A bachelor’s degree for $10,000 - College, Inc. - The Washington Post: "By Daniel de Vise
How’s this for keeping college affordable: Excelsior College just rolled out a program that guarantees a bachelor’s degree for $10,000.

Excelsior is a nonprofit college in Albany that specializes in helping mid-career adults finish their studies. The school consolidates college credits in the same way a debt-relief service consolidates bills, helping returning students clean up their transcripts and finish their degrees.

The average -- average --Excelsior student arrives with credits from five different colleges. The typical Excelsior student is around 40, with a job and a family and about half a college education."

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Correspondent Anthony Shadid, 43, dies in Syria - The Washington Post

Correspondent Anthony Shadid, 43, dies in Syria - The Washington Post: "Anthony Shadid, one of the most incisive and honored foreign correspondents of his generation, died Thursday in Syria, where he was covering the armed insurrection against the government for his newspaper, the New York Times.

Shadid, 43, won two Pulitzer Prizes for his lyrical and poignant dispatches from Iraq, which he covered extensively for The Washington Post before and after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Shadid, a fluent Arabic speaker, roamed broadly across the Arab world, reporting with precision, nuance and depth from the West Bank, Lebanon, Libya and other troubled and peaceful realms in the region."

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Germany’s president quits, Merkel seeks agreement with opposition on successor - The Washington Post

Germany’s president quits, Merkel seeks agreement with opposition on successor - The Washington Post: "BERLIN — Germany’s president resigned Friday in a scandal over favors he allegedly received before becoming head of state, creating a major domestic distraction for Chancellor Angela Merkel as she grapples with Europe’s debt crisis.

Chritian Wulff announced his resignation a day after the slow-burning affair escalated dramatically with a request by prosecutors for Parliament to lift his immunity from prosecution over his relationship with a film producer in his previous job as governor of Lower Saxony. Those benefits allegedly included paying for a luxury hotel stay in 2007."

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Petani Jebak Tiga Wartawan Pemeras | The Globe Journal

Petani Jebak Tiga Wartawan Pemeras | The Globe Journal: "Pasuruan - Tiga wartawan media lokal ditahan di Mapolres Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, setelah terjebak masuk ke dalam perangkap yang dipersiapkan seorang petani karena diketahui telah melanggar kode etik profesi.

Kasatreskrim Polres Pasuruan, AKP Supriyono, mengatakan ketiga wartawan dari dua media di Jawa Timur itu ditahan karena diduga telah melakukan pemerasan terhadap Kusman, Ketua Gapoktan Desa Sekarjoho, Kecamatan Prigen.

Ketiga wartawan itu diduga bersedia membatalkan pemberitaannya asal korban bersedia membayar sebesar Rp15 juta."

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U.S. News - 2 ICE officers killed, 1 wounded at federal office building in Long Beach

U.S. News - 2 ICE officers killed, 1 wounded at federal office building in Long Beach: "Three immigration officers were involved in a shootout at the Long Beach federal building on Thursday evening, police said.
Two officers were pronounced dead at the scene and the third, reportedly shot in the upper torso, was sent to a nearby hospital, according to aerial communications from Long Beach police. He is being treated at St. Mary's Medical Center, and his vital signs were positive, said Francine Marlenee, speaking on behalf of the hospital.
One of the agents is believed to be the suspected gunman, police said, but suspect's condition was unknown."

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Iowa town welcomes back China's next president - US news - Life -

Iowa town welcomes back China's next president - US news - Life - "DES MOINES, Iowa — The last time China's soon-to-be leader visited Iowa, he slept in a bedroom with green shag carpeting and Star Trek character cutouts on the walls. He ate eggs with a spoon because his host forgot the chopsticks.
But apparently Xi Jinping remembered the 1985 stay fondly because he insisted on returning this week to Muscatine, a small farming community he toured to learn about crop and livestock practices.
Back then, he was a young Communist Party leader seeking ideas to help his agriculture-rich region of northern China. Now the nation's vice president, he made certain to add Muscatine to his jam-packed itinerary so he could reunite with the same Americans who showed him around the region's hog and cattle operations and its abundant corn and soybean fields."

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Bramantyo Dikeroyok Massa MMI di Yogya -

Bramantyo Dikeroyok Massa MMI di Yogya - "YOGYAKARTA, — Puluhan anggota organisasi massa Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia mengeroyok seniman Bramantyo Prijosusilo yang hendak menggelar pertunjukan seni Social Sculpture atau patung sosial berjudul ”Aku Melawan Perusakan Atas Nama Agama” di depan Markas Majelis Mujahidin di Jalan Karanglo 94, Kotagede, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta, Rabu (15/2/2012).

Bramantyo yang belum sempat menampilkan aksinya langsung diamankan aparat kepolisian.

Bramantyo mengawali aksinya dengan berdoa kepada leluhur Mataram di makam raja-raja Kotagede. Dengan berkostum jubah, udheng, keris di depan, beserta kendi berisi air kembang, Bramantyo berangkat menuju Karanglo menggunakan andong sekitar pukul 09.00."

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LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to Chair Democratic Convention | Fox News Latino

LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to Chair Democratic Convention | Fox News Latino: "The Democratic Party has chosen Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to chair the party's national convention this summer in Charlotte, N.C. in a move by the party to woo Latino support.

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, says in an email to DNC members that Villaraigosa will be nominated to chair the September convention.

Chairing the national convention, where Democrats are expected to nominate President Barack Obama for a second term, will place Villaraigosa in a national spotlight. Overseeing the gathering will also place the Latino mayor front and center as Democrats garner Latino support for Obama and other candidates.

Wasserman Schultz tells DNC members that Villaraigosa has empowered people during his career and will encourage engagement from Americans across the country."

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