Palestine Wants to be members of the UN, Israel, full of anger?

United Nations General Assembly held at New York, USA is an annual event, where all members of the United Nations (UN) gathered, almost all the leaders of its member states come to discuss an agenda that has been done before. Starting from hunger until the merajela penyakit2 and become epidemic throughout the world. 

This time the UN General Assembly is very interesting to be reported because for the first time, led by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas to ask them to officially rule the world. 

A little history about Mahmoud Abbas,-Born in the district of Great Britain's mandate in Palestine on 26 March 1935.-Since November 11, 2004, he was occupying the office as the Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee of the Fatah faction.-Be Palestinian National Assembly President, on January 15, 2005 and served in no officialAlthough not recognized by the Hamas party, he continues to fight for Palestinian independence. Through the style of diplomacy is always preferred by many other negara2 supporting in the world. Because of the way kekerasaan and war so far has not brought the desired path is the Palestinian people.The way the Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee Mahmoud Abbas is briliant, namely:-Opening the diplomacy of Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope's visit to the West Bank in May 2009.-Visiting Canada in 2009. Monas met Prime Minister Lawrence Cannon and Stephen Harper.-Visiting Japan for the 3rd time, in February 2010, met with PM Yukio Hatoyama. visit Hiroshima. Satu2nya Palestinian leaders who visited the city in the American atomic bomb.-The aggressive diplomacy throughout the world, especially to the former non-block negara2 such as Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Turkey, and negara2 on the African continent.-Through the UN Security Council, nine of the 15 members had to give way and support.-Russia.And China.-India.-Bosnia.-Brazil.-Columbia.-Portugal.-Nigeria.-Lebanon.Thus, a permanent security council as the United Kingdom, and United States, and France is given the opportunity to think about taking the decision to give his voice, be it Yes, or No (veto).Other roads are entering this pendaftaraan letter to General Assembly that would have a majority to be in to admit.What Israel and negara2 UN Permanent Security Council will do?This makes Israel think about the implications and seriousness of the real to end the conflict that has been going on for more than two generations. Towards Peace in want of the people in the Middle East, especially the Palestinian people and Palestinian Ibu2 ANAK2 and can be relieved to see that the future and eventually become bright again.Is Israel serious? In this column will be explained how pihak2 involved trying to achieve peace. Wait just writing to come.Jack Soetopo

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